Dave said:
I would rather pay a fair price up front for a reliable printer. I bought a
new Epson C84 three years ago for less money than it would have cost to
replace the cartridges in my HP 895. So, another. piece of waste to
landfill. To replace the cartridges in the C84, Staples wanted to charge
$95.00 Canadian with tax. I do a fair amount of printing, so the ongoing
cost of running this priner would be horrendous if I kept buying these
cartridges. I buy compatible cartridges for this printer for about $40.00
including tax and shipping. I am quite happy with the performance of these
The whole buisiness model of selling these printers under cost and then
couging the public on consumables has got to be revisited. Especially when
it has gotten to the point that a new printer (with cartridges included)
costs less than the replacement cartridges
It is bad for the environment and bad for the companies and the consumer.
How to make this happen is another matter.