no problems here. latest version of Firefox
Are you getting an error when you go to??: If so, what is the error say? (Home Page) (mail Page)
If running a firewall, make sure it is allowing access.
Any Blocking programs blocking access?
Have you recently upgraded versions? If so, did you backup your profile then
unistall the old verion in the control Panel?
What extentions do you have installed in Firefox? If you have the adblock
extension, uninstall it, close FF, reopen FF, and try to access yahoo again
Worse comes to worse, back up your profile(location depends on version of FF
you are using, you didn't specify), uninstalll FF via the control
panel>add/remove programs. Re-Install FF, upon reinstalling, try
What Operating system are you using?
What version of FF are you using? (Help>About Mozilla Firefox) version is
located there