I can only say I used Ieradicator before knowing about 98lite (but only
a few months back, when I tried firefox)and it did no noticeable harm.
My try was back not too long after 98SE came out. I dunno what
I think you can get too fanatical about removing IE, one source advised
simply removing it from all menus, de-defaulting it, and forgetting it.
That's true, fanaticism isn't healthy. I do recall one exploit that
used the IE files, even though IE was not used as the browser. It's
simply target number one, due to real fanatics that like to pick the
code apart looking for holes for fun.
Then there is Outlook Express and other secondary targets. I like the
page Omega listed, where all of these targets can be removed. I've
never used OE, and I set it to be removed after any setup. It's not
really a clean removal though and out of principle, the owner of the
software license should have full control of what is and is not placed
on the disk.
Can't help there, my experience on deputy box has been entirely positive
- if I can find a W95 disc (gave mine away with first computer), I'm
going all the way
Sounds very promising, and the concept is very interesting!
I didn't want to go to XP, and I gave up on linux - let's just say I'm
too dumb (and kinda ensitive to wander into the bearpits they call linux
groups again)
I think 98SE is good for the foreseeable future, all the software I can
envisage is out there, and I'm sticking until something revolutionary
happens - like a linux magazine with a coverdisc that boots, installs
updates, modem and sound work, (fer gawd's sake I can't even make
timidity work in linux, and it's a linux prog, goes a treat in windows
after you've kicked ini and cfg around the floor for a fortnight or so)
AND doesn't take eighteen months to boot, shut down, or open any
app..... (oh god, I started, didn't I?)
Haha. I have gotten pretty good at linux installs from just trying
different packages. I feel comfortable now installing the beast. I
don't have a modem that will work though and that limits what I can do
greatly. I still am daft at manual configuration and such. I'm
impressed with some of the packages coming out. They pretty much
configure themselves where possible. It is still easy to feel very
dumb, like kicking a tire when looking at a used car or something.
I just try not to dwell on that. It would be much easier if someone
who knows linux could help out from time to time. That's how I got a
grasp on DOS. The help files looked like gibberish back then.
While chipping away to learn linux, I'd feel great if the major
components that can and have been exploited could be cleanly removed
from any version of Windows. All I wanted to BUY was a stable and
secure operating system.