Inglo said:Even then it stutters a bit. You miss out on what makes this game so
amazing if you let yourself play at just medium settings.
I had a 9800 Pro, AthlonXP @ 2200 MHz, and 512 Mb of RAM and was
playing FarCry at "Medium" settings. I was upset with the jerky feel
of it and though the game looked OK, I thought, "what's the big
effin' deal with this that everyone's talking about?"
Got 512 Mb more memory last weekend, upped the settings and I've been
totally blown away. It runs like a dream now too.
Amazing isn't it? I don't recall what the Far Cry required/reccomended
specs are, but 1 gig of ram SHOULD be the minimum! Also going from
non-dual channel to dual channel made another fr increase for me in FC!
Even with ALL the stuff I've got now; in the intense battle scenes
where there are a lot of TriGens and gunfire/explosions things slow down
considerably with all settings maxed. Still, it's great to be able to
'stealth' into an area, get to a good sniping position, and work them
down to just one or two! A little patience is a help too; as the
TriGens and Mercs will waste each other once the fighting starts. I
find them just standing around until *I* get somewhat in range. Then
they'll start the action sequences

"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it
- Inigo Montoya Steve [Inglo]