750w psu

I would put the Corsair as a grade above the Enermax.

Re power supplies in general-yes, a dodgy psu could potentially kill your system.....not too good from a health/safety view either.

Bin it and get the Corsair :)
You choose.

I would get the 620.......it is modular (tidy) and has a longer track record.
I got the 520 cos, being an Evertonian I have an aversion to the colour red
The Hiper PSU that I have is still under warranty would it be a good idea to send it back and get a replacemnt?

Can you please advise
Why not....and you could sell the replacement to help pay for a better one :)
The PSU you've linked to is excellent and well suited for your needs.

As for your Hiper PSU, tbh I wouldn't trust it, it does sound as if it's on it's way out.

And when PSU's do eventually die they often take out other components they're connected to.
Oooops - I just replied to post # 20 :D

In my personal experience I'd actually put the Enermax a grade above the Corsair or at the very least on level peggings.

This Tagan PSU I reviewed Here is still going strong three years later btw and it's often crunching 24/7. Well built as well.

Having said that, I'm rather taken with my spiffing new Corsair PSU, we shall how it fares in future days.

And good luck with the replacement Hiper PSU, it all helps :)

Thank you to erveryone to al your help on this post.

I'm a very anyoed that I was not a member of this fourms when I built this computer, cos the one that I was registerd to suggested that I got a Hiper product. anyways its all sorted out now.


wizkid, there was a time when everybody was singing Hiper's praises, they were getting good reveiews. I must confess that back then I was sceptical because they were so cheap, so I never bought any.

It was only when they starting breaking down en masse about six months later that peeps realised they may have bought a turkey.

So don't feel too bad about the advice you were given, it was probably given in good faith at the time.

But we do give better advice of course.

Of course :D
A quick suggestion.

If you register for Hexus.net forums then after xxx amount of posts you qualify for free delivery from Scan.

This is good cos

A: Free delivery is always good.
B: In my experience Scan have been pretty much the best hardware supplier overall.
C: They have an excellent product range.
D: They are more often than not the best price suppliers too.

Hexus Forums

Oh and by the way......
Scan have Corsair and Enermax psus though the Corsair prices are a tad on the high side right now.

PSU's at Scan

Also, watch the "Today Only" page.......they have some great deals regularly.
Aye, I'm registered at Hexus and get the free postage, very handy when you just want to buy one thing that don't cost too much.

They have improved considerably over the last few years but they still ain't perfect, delivery times can be a bit hit and miss.

Just before last Christmas I bought a Saitek PC Gaming Steering Wheel from Scan and it was faulty. Which was a bit of a shame cos I took loads of pix of it with a view to doing a review for this Forum, but I digress.

About Dec 18th I applied for an RMA and they said I'd have to wait 3 weeks for the faulty goods to be collected 'as it was busy at this time of year'

I mean, come on, what kind of crap is that? I phoned them up and protested but the guy was adamant they couldn't collect it until early January because 'Security is bad at this time of year' I couldn't be bothered to ask what exactly he meant by that I just bit the bullet and waited.

In the end I realised Scan had my money for a total of six weeks before it found it's way back to me.

I haven't used them since.

And I still don't have a steering wheel.

Still, in their favour:

1) At least they do collect faulty goods, you don't have to send it back yourself which often means paying to post it or waiting several weeks to get the postage refunded.

2) They are easy to talk to and friendly.

3) Their range of goods is fair but not as good as OCUK.

So there you go, good and bad about Scan.

The online supplier I have been most impressed with lately is E-Buyer, really good service.

And this coming from a guy who slagged them off for years because they really were rubbish about 6 or 7 years ago.

Seems they now have their act together :thumb:
I'm a big fan of the Corsair PSU's at the moment - and the HX620 would be excellent for your needs......the Enermax is good too, but the Corsair is a tad cheaper :thumb:
My Corsair HX 520 is quiet and I mean realy quiet . I would almost say it is totaly silent but when I put my ear an inch or so away I can just hear a very faint sound of moving air . So to be fair its only 99.999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% silent .

Thanks for the replies,

Intersting Flops, thanks for telling me that. Glad you got your momeny back. Lets hope they impove their service.


You say you are using Corsair HX620 at the moment and you like it and it would be good for me to. Can you please confrom that it will work with the specs on the frist page??


Also would the PSU that you last linked to would that be able to run the specs on the frist page of this post?

Many Thnaks,

I do believe we've already covered this ground wizkid.

I linked to the Corsair 620W because it's fine for your system.

Take a look at the system in my signature, similar to yours but with only 2Gb memory but 4 hard disks.

The Corsair modular 620 is running that little lot just fine.

Of all PSU's available in my opinion the Corsair is the best bang for the buck for you.