So what are you saying, Doom3 etc. is about to suddenly run great on ATI
hardware? So the benchmarks run by ID software mean nothing??
LOL! If ATI knew how to fix the problem, they would have done so
long ago. To think otherwise is to set yourself up for a big
I am a proud owner of the 9800Pro.... but OpenGL has always been the
weakness of the ATI line... which is not a problem when Quake3 is
running 200+ fps... They had access to Doom3 for months...
What I've seen sofar from BETA enhancements is about 5~8fps faster...
which is still NOTHING when the 6800GT is 65fps and the X800Pro is
40fps!! (Important note: unless your CPU is an AMD64 or P4-EE - none
of this MATTERS as your CPU is the bottleneck to the GPU)
Its a problem when the $300 6800 is up there with the $500 ATI XT
I hope ATI does better on the next round... more competition!
- - - - -
Remember: In the USA - it is dangeroud to draw or write about Heir Bush in a negative way. The police or SS are called, people threaten to kill you. (What country is this again?)
- Fahrenheit 9/11 - Unless you see it for yourself, don't call it "a bunch of lies"... that would be unAmerican.
- White House blows cover of an undercover agent because her husband said there were no WMD (before the USA started the war) - her job was finding terrorist.
God bless the land of the free. Where you can burn the Constitution... Ashcroft does it every day.