It won't surprise me in the least if 15 years from now, when the
Nor would it surprise me. Raymond makes one good point, though he
gets it slightly wrong!
There is effectively NO chance of automatic parallelisation working
on serial von Neumann code of the sort we know and, er, love. Not
in the near future, not in my lifetime and not as far as anyone can
predict. Forget it.
This has the consequence that large-scale parallelism is not a viable
general-purpose architecture until and unless we move to a paradigm
that isn't so intractable. There are such paradigms (functional
programming is a LITTLE better, for a start), but none have taken
off as general models. The HPC world is sui generis, and not relevant
in this thread.
So he would be right if he replaced "beyond 2 cores" by "beyond a
small number of cores". At least for the next decade or so.
Nick Maclaren.
There are few hints why parallel CPU:s are beneficial at the HOME
Most programs do run fast enough. Look for exceptions..
a) Games
b) 3D editing software.
c) videoediting
Now what about future and parallerisation of said things.
a) Well, One thread for UI, couple of threads for physics,[Split by
area], and HUGE amount of threads for AI available. [Think each
monster only READS shared area while writes on its own specific area,
so no sharing, only syncronization with physics and game mechanics
threads, and those syncronizations could be handled by keeping the
LAST frame intact for AI threads that work with one frame delay.] I
have reasons to believe that the main benefits off adding more than 4
cores is improving AI algorithms in games.
b) Already showing some parallerism, don't know about how much
inherited parallerism for CPU that is reasonably easy to get. [For
c) Same here.
But main point for desktop parallerism isn't about what cannot be
parallerised, but that IS there enough important aplications that CAN
be parallerised. And I'm saying yes there is, and the wall that hits
it is that at some point no desktop apps need more computing power,
not that getting more cores would be anyparallel. You don't need
parallerize every task for desktop to embrace multicore paradigma,
just the games.
Besides people who write software will typicly have TWO years for
doubling the number of cores

[Except there is probably one shrink
that goes for increasing cache instead of number of cores, and that is
more probably earlier than later.]
And for languages, hmmm. They will evolve, simply since using C for
writing app for 16 cores don't look promising, as a general case. SOME
like games are parallel. [No you don't need to parallerize every
single small task, just run different TASKS in parallel(physics,
ai1,[n], ui), and if some task takes more than 1/60th of a
second then there is need to parallerise that.]
But for for many cases things will adapt. 2ndly, there are multiple
processes for CPU:s to be utilized. For instance, OS, P2Papp,MP3player
in background while the actual game in foreground.
If its 2 cores in 2005 its 4 cores in 2007 or 2009 and 8 in 2011,
assuming intel roadmap holds for processes, And in this time scale I
think there is reasonable parallerism available to the cores within a
year of the introduction. For two cores its mostly background
processes, for 4 cores its that there is aplications that do work in 3
threads, +background stuff, and for 8 cores there have been several
years for desktop application writers to deal with it. Some are fast
enough anyway and don't need the parallerism while those who do need
will have to found to way to use or their competitors will for
desktop. Yess there are problems that are inherently
non-parallerisable, but as long as those tasks that drive the sales
are parallerisable there will be exponential trend of increasing
number of cores per die. And no what we learned of supercomputers
won't hold for desktop.
a) Desktop runs n aplications and background processes for sametime
and there is benefit for them having a CPU so that foreground is not
stalled, then the fore ground process may have some coarse grain
parallerism available like games have...
b) Faster desktop processors are sold by numbers for brainwashed
c) There is need for more processors as long as there is ANY tasks
that could utilize more processors.
d) There is NO long latency communcation problem between the nodes as
with supercomputers, your inter process communication latency happens
in a single die, which makes it a LOT faster than the supercomputers
so you DON'T need to replicate the read only data for different
Jouni Osmala
-I know I should write more software and write less in comp.arch ...