6 Pin PCI-E

Have just managed to make an 8 pin to 4 pin plug for the motherboard without blowing anything up, so am gonna have a try with the 6 pins in a bit.

What can say, i now owe my mate a 9600GT and an ASUS P5N-D, the 6 pin didn't work and now his MB and GPU don't ha ha.
Plus there is alot of brown sticky crap on his RAM?
Don't know where it went wrong, got a diagram of google and copied it, soldering was perfect and i heatshrinked it too!

Just ordered two 6 pins from america.
u sure it's definetly not working?

keep trying it out...
what is going wrong? Any power any output etc?
Well the PSU doesn't work anymore and neither does the Graphics or motherboard, the processor is fine and the RAM is still working after a slight clean.

Maybe i just got the wires mixed up, but i don't think i did!

There was a small pop and then it just stank, and my mate got a small shock when he took the graphics card out.

he is okay, but i have learnt my lesson.

contacted my supplier and they are going to replace PSU + Motherboard as i told them the PSU just exploded. So it will only cost me £90.
damn sounds well messed up

so what is the moral of the whole story?

what have you learned from this?
Not to mess about with stuff when i'm not 100% sure what i'm doing,

Try not to be a cheapskate and buy them instead of trying to make my own.

That my mate can withstand a substantial amount of electricity.
Waynos_Face said:
Not to mess about with stuff when i'm not 100% sure what i'm doing,

Try not to be a cheapskate and buy them instead of trying to make my own.

That my mate can withstand a substantial amount of electricity.

well like the saying goes:

if you dont trust before you try
you may repent before you die.