rach said:
I agree. It's annoying.
http://scootergirl.cjb.net/P250/ <-- 668.46 KB
Thank you all for the feedback.
1. I know how to save in INI file, the reason to save it in the reg is
to keep it as a single file only. I will make this optional so user
can chose reg or ini
2. Pigeon will be optional also, someone needs a bee? Kidding

3. If you compare with CNN source, you will notice that the background
is different, I am thinking of making changing background (skin like)
possible. (left click the up-left corner you will see forecast for
greater los angeles area, this is picture retrieved from abc7 website,
not changeable, if you right click on the picture, a game will be
downloaded, see if you like that one)
4. As I have just demonstrated in 3, the app can retrieve things over
the internet, phoning home is just to check for updates (because I
don't have a website, and that 'home' is just a courtesy of someone,
not my homesite). As some of you worried, the ability to retrieve
something from internet makes it potentially dangerouse, but trust me
(as Bush said when he asked (and keep asking ) for power and money

simply trust me, I have no interest of doing anything else. One
possibility is that someone else can crack or hack the app and makes
it able to download things from their own sites. Well, if someone can
really do it, then why not do it him or herself?
I am kind of busy these days, will make the modifications when time
allows. Thank you all for the feedback.