measekite said: sorry guys I have to quote this.
This is a lie Lucky for me you spell worse than I do. Let's see what
you said about 88inkjets in march
measekite Mar 24, 6:01 pm 2005
"And you can get Formulabs ink from a source that provides information.
Information is service. People who say in writing what you get.
Compare their website to alotofcrap. They do not discourage you from
placing phone orders. They disclose what they sell on their website
it is clear. They provide toll free numbers and numerous email
contacts for different purposes. Look at both sites and evaluate the
companies. You compare and then judge if you want to do business with
Mickey Mouse or a professional company.. "
So you say they "just" added this information recently? Then why is it
you knew about them 6 months ago... pretended you were unaware they
disclosed what ink they use... and now are trying to cover your ass by
saying they changed their site? Let's face facts. You lied... as you
always do.
And what's really sad, what's mega mega sad is 6 months ago your
complaint was these webbies were not professional companies.... yet
when presented with links to multi-national corporations,