Button bashing in practice for another round of Daley Thompson's
Decathlon, Spacey Spade <
[email protected]> left
Shakespeare to the monkeys by typing...
I've opted out of jumping hurdles to do updates and whatnot.
Me too. X-setup is an amazing tool which I learned to use in minutes.
One benefit is the MS Update sign-in bypass plug-in. I tried the sign-in
process previously ( when updating system after a long period of
'off-line') but gave up.
The benefits from this plug-in are - less time online (basic
security, lower cost (Third-world countries like mine don't have lots of
broadband), privacy (both from the POV of MS & third parties), and in no
way do I consent to anything in the EULA (They get more like the
original as signed by Robert Johnson every day

) (Google "Robert
Johnson" "Crossroad Blues" "sold his soul to the devil"), and a kb that
lasts longer....
I don't use any remember form details or passwords function -
again basic security - Banking I do face to face with my banker(s) - not
6000 miles away by phone or www - really basic security.
And how many cookies? just visiting hotmail requires at least
14. Why? My life story's shorter than that. (Of course, you may have
your browser set to "auto-hurdle" ;-) But I like to know what
info's going where and why....
I focus
instead on using 3rd party software for security
One of my reasons for using Firefox. It's another 'barrier' to
some unwanted intrusions (firewalls & AV aren't 100%)- and I haven't yet
seen a Firefox patch that caused another security issue/ vulnerability
(Though YMMV (first time I've used _that_ in a post!)).
Also, I found it amazingly simple to set up and use, small (AMD
Duron) requirements (there are better/faster but I'm happy so far) and a
few other browsers are kept for if I ever need to view an IE-compatible
only page.
My decision to remove IE and other stuff from this PC are many -
Annoyances.org, microsuck.com (the r1ddler's articles), grc NGs all have
pros & cons for IE and others, but security and peace of mind both
figured largely in my decision not to have IE, never mind use it. I hate
to say this, but Win3.1 seemed far better as you could even get rid of
Program Manager. I used (I believe) BackMenu -free, instant su/sd,
system requirements lower than a Casio wristwatch - everything "bolted"
on top of basic OS, not "integrated" like IE (like a really advanced
tumour gets "integrated") and therefore (AFAIAA) far more able to
'access' system.
Of course, Mr Gates and his homies stating (the same as lying,
he just has better(more) lawyers) that IE _could_not_be_removed_ while a
college professor was showing everyone exactly how to do that didn't
My primary purposes with this machine were to make it
1) As fast as possible (I'll start looking into overclocking after I'm
happy with it as standard)
2) As reliable as possible (previously I managed 18 mths without bsod,
fatal exception error, dummy-spitting of any kind) - The only issues I
now have are the system searching for some tape device for some reason
(Quite possibly out of boredom as I keep removing files for it to do
things with) and ZipGenius (candidate for freeware of the year - free,
fast, looks excellent, works superbly) which pops up a window sometimes
when I'm using it saying it's really unhappy about something, and then
carrying on working quite happily with no probs. Maybe it's looking for
the missing tape drive too...
3) As secure as possible. Some research (grc NGs are excellent starting
point again), a little effort, and some trial and error and I think the
system is about as secure as I can make it without locking it in a box.
One benefit of removing lots of unnecessary components is that you can
set your bindings to truly optimal (Network Discipline for Windows 9x on
www.grc.com) - and I respect Steve Gibson even though I'm sure he's got
a "One of Bill's Special Friends" bumper sticker.
, while limiting
operating system or IE's rights. If anything I learn more valuable
info. Works for my personal use.
That's cool. Of course, you can also run IEEradicator and
reinstall IE to disintegrate the web browser from OS....
I have a 'ready to use' cd with several basic options (f-prot,
AVG, Firefox, ZoneAlarm, Spybot, X-setup, AdAware - all free plus if
win98, option of IEEradicator, 98lite). This I have used for basic
security on lots of "even more underaware" friends' and families'
machines. I figure the companies won't complain too much as this is
primarily to reduce re-spamming/remote server/bandwidth usage/machines
being used for DDos etc. As these people are the MCD (Most Clueless
Denominator) or BLT (BaseLine Thickie), the all-automatic updates/scan
options (except f-prot, but I'll talk them through its use if required),
and their machines are generally more 'in the hedge' than 'cutting
edge', so anything to improve performance on a basic setup should (IMHO)
should at least be considered, especially if so many people whose
opinions are well respected/ can be trusted and whose experience is far
in excess of mine (by a factor of "heaps") recommend it.
It's worth checking out the NGs etc. above, especially as it is
(IMHO) "valuable info". E.g. - Annoyances.org carry forums in which you
can find 'improved' browser configuration settings - some work, some
don't. But if you devote a bit of time and thought (and Google) you can
find alternative options (If you want)
If I go to buy a car, I wouldn't just pick whatever's handiest.
Test drives and crash tests are easy. Just learn to use some backup/zip
software and then you can go crashing through your system like the
proverbial bull in a china shop ("MooMoo. Have you got any soup plates,
please?" }:> ) . And Firefox has really cool skins...
Turnpike for mail/news - uses explorer and it's not perfect -
I'll start looking for a replacement for it - but I prefer it to OE for
most of the above reasons too,,,,
Still, it's all horses for courses (or main course in France and