Arno Wagner said:Probably they still have bad batches (problem with the original
DeatStars) or have better and worse manufacturing sites...
I have about 4TBs of older Maxtors (around 40) running ansd never
lost a byte, except on some that were dropped in shipping. But
they are all in a climatized server room and all have a fan
before them...
Yeah, that's the trick - keeeping them cool. Mine *never* go
above 40C and usually are running at around 32-34C.
SMART monitoring shows almost no grown defects, so more than
happy - in fact, I haven't bought anything but hgst drives for a few
years now, whether for work (servers, hard-worked PCs (eg digital
video editing systems)) or indeed my home machines.
The good thing about having a bad (undeserved IME) reputation
is that it keeps them cheap!