2nd Hard Drive problem

Samsung HD's have a 36 month warranty - go HERE and follow the instructions to run the diagnostic and RMA it once you've got the data off it.

Samsungs are usually extremely reliable, unfortunately like any make you ended up with a duff one...don't let that put you off in the future.
Adywebb said:
Samsung HD's have a 36 month warranty - go HERE and follow the instructions to run the diagnostic and RMA it once you've got the data off it.

Samsungs are usually extremely reliable, unfortunately like any make you ended up with a duff one...don't let that put you off in the future.
It was OEM, so does that reduce the warrenty?
And it was bought from scan.co.uk so I don't have the original packaging...
Maybe...but take it in the manner it was made and try to smile :)
They do have an Disk Diagnosis utility, but I am too scared to use it because it says it may erase all my data and I don't have another drive to back up onto!
Look - face up to it, you need to get another drive regardless as when you send it back you will lose it and the data anyway before getting the replacement - so go buy another drive and copy the data over, then remove the drive and try to RMA it and get another you can use as a spare or additional storage.

This is what Scan have on their site regarding HD's:

Remember ALL our Hard Drive brands we sell are official 3 or 5 year Maximum Warranty Product. Peace of Mind!
Many of our competitors sell Grey/imported or system integrator product with only 1 year warranty! to achieve a cheap price.

The best way to find out is to ring them and ask ;)

You don't need original packaging for defective goods - thats only if your returning unwanted goods.
Where are you a member? No Seagate/Samsung/Hitachi not alot of options left, if you got it from scan online, then log into your account and check your order history, all the numbers should be there.
Oh yeah, order history, hmmmm....

There is western Digital, but nevermind. Look, I'm going on holiday to Malaysia for 2 weeks on Friday, so I'll look and see if I can find a cheap but more than 200GB drive.
Just a small off topic question, as I'm flying, are you allowed to have mobile phones in FLIGHT PROFILE on an plane?
During take off and landing any electronic device is a no no, but whilst in flight its fine. Make sure to ask as some devices interfere with the guiding beacon on the plane.
I hope they allow it or I'll be bored to tears on the flight!

Well if Samsungs and Hitachi were my only choice, and did not peak the budget (£35) I'll probably take the risk. But I'll see what I find in Malaysia. Will the interfaces be the same as the UK though?
Yep, SATA2 all the way, my mate just got back from Mumbai and all the goodies he got me work fine.
Captain Jack Sparrow said:
Was that a mean joke?

Nope just quirky humour.

Read over all your symptoms - loads of bad sectors, indexes, clicking sounds, same on another PC etc etc - IT IS ON ITS WAY OUT!!!!

Once you have got all the data off it, by all means re-format if you wish, but never use it again for anything important as it will eventually fail - send it back to Scan and get a new one!
Let me interject this.

Not trying to defend it, but that click sound was there since I purchased it. It happens when the computer is turned on and off as the platter spins up or spins down. Like a relay swich in the ciruitry opening and closing power to the spindle motor. Many hard drives make a noise like that when they spin up or down. As for the bad sectors, hmmmm, maybe I had a virus?!
I don't think virus causes bad sectors.
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I only use Samsungs and none of mine click, however your right some drives do - but look at all the other symptoms and tell me there's nothing wrong with it? ;)

And no - viruses don't cause bad sectors.

I've given you all the advice I can give, take it or leave it, but I have to move on mate - sorry :)