2 day shutdown or so

  • Thread starter Thread starter Me2Ewe
  • Start date Start date
You bungled that fix from your first post and you don't even know what
the syntax of the command stands for. Furthermore you can't read and
follow a thread, my comment was referring to the
WaitToKillServiceTimeout entry in the registry.

As for your SHUTDOWN -s -t 01 it tells me that Shutdown.exe will
shutdown the local computer (-s) i one second (-t 01). If you have
information to the contrary please post YOUR LINKS!

What fix did I bungle from the first????
Furthermore you don't know a ****ing thing about me so why assume [means
make an ASS out of U & ME] that I can't read and follow a thread.
I see you commenting but you don't see my replies I have not done anything
EXCEPT the UPHClean that was suggested at the first & it did nothing for
Thanks for your "help?" anyway