Adam Albright
Possibly. But there's so much of that in the Vista groups - much MORE
than I can ever remember in the XP groups - that I've taken a
knee-jerk reaction stance on the matter.
In all my years online (coming up on 18), I've never had a killfile as
large as I do now - either by subject or by author.
So what you're really saying for 18 years you still haven't learned
how to exercise self-control and simply skip over posters and topics
that bug you. Oh, I understand perfectly. Lots of dopes here that have
that same handicap.
Hint: Real men don't need a killfile. Talk about having a crutch.
I equate people that use killfiles with the morbidly obese that have a
stomach stapling procedure because they can't stop shoveling excessive
amounts of food in their mouth even though they know doing so is
killing them. People that rely on killfiles are admitting that have no
self-control or willpower either.