Dynamic charts with named range Windows 8.1

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Hi, posted this in charting but seems nobody is there...

I have this file working fine for years with Dynamic charts using named ranges in Excel 2007 and Windows 7.

If I use same file in another pc Excel 2007 but windows 8.1 this is what happens:

The chart is not working anymore because the named ranges lost their reference to the workbook, let me explain:

In the chart the x values are referenced as: ='myworkbook.xlsx'!chtX, similarly the y values are ='myworkbook.xlsx'!chtY

When I open the file in the pc windows 8.1 I see that appears now:
=[0]!chtX and =[0]!chtY and then the chart is frozen.

If I correct those references ('myworkbook.xlsx'!chtX...) , it works again... then save the book, exit Excel, open again and voila, the references are again lost and I have again =[0]!chtX and =[0]!chtY

Any idea what it wrong? the only difference as far as I know is that the pc with the problem is running windows 8.1

Thanks for your time
Using global scope defined names *only when absolutely required* is
considered 'best practice'! I recommend you use local scope for the
defined names, so they ALWAYS keep their refs associated to the range
on sheet they're defined on!


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Using global scope defined names *only when absolutely required* is

considered 'best practice'! I recommend you use local scope for the

defined names, so they ALWAYS keep their refs associated to the range

on sheet they're defined on!



Free usenet access at http://www.eternal-september.org

Classic VB Users Regroup!



Thanks Garry

Indeed changing to local scope now keeps the reference when the file is opened in Windows 8.1 ... but now I have even a stranger result:

the chart does not update at all! all seems right but if a click f9 with the serie selected, I can see that contains the values of whene the file was saved
Thanks Garry

Indeed changing to local scope now keeps the reference when the file
is opened in Windows 8.1 ... but now I have even a stranger result:

the chart does not update at all! all seems right but if a click f9
with the serie selected, I can see that contains the values of whene
the file was saved

If you have to press F9 to calc then check that Options>Calculation is
set to 'Automatic', perhaps!


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