Can't send mail out through smtp account


john doyle

I get the following message when trying to send mail out through windows
email -
Company email - SMTP setup

The connection to the server has failed. Subject 'test', Account:
'', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Port:
25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

Incoming mail works fine.


john doyle said:
I get the following message when trying to send mail out through windows
email -
Company email - SMTP setup

The connection to the server has failed. Subject 'test', Account:
'', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Port:
25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

Incoming mail works fine.

Try using the SMTP server name from your ISP (home) account, in your Work

Tools>accounts>your account>properties>server tab, copy the server name and
paste it into the work account?


john doyle said:
I get the following message when trying to send mail out through windows
email -
Company email - SMTP setup

The connection to the server has failed. Subject 'test', Account:
'', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Port:
25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

Incoming mail works fine.
If you're trying to send the mail from outside the company, some internet
provider along the path to that server is likely to be blocking connections
to port 25 that don't go to their own outgoing email server, as a method
to cause problems for spammers. In this case, you should either use the
SMTP server of your internet provider, or ask if their
outgoing mail server listens for outgoing mail on any port other than
port 25, and if so, where to find the instructions for switching to the
port. Just trying all the ports is a very slow way to find out, since there
are about 65,000 ports available.

Gary VanderMolen

Yes, we've been advising Comcast users for several weeks already
about the change from port 25 to port 587. It is a travesty that
Comcast did not inform its customers about this change.


Jleewaters said:
Same problem...Changed the port to 587 and changed outgoing server to instead of

Same problem as who?

Do you think that we are mind readers?

Please include the message that you are responding to, or preferably, start
your own thread giving specific details of your problem, and please include
any exact error messages.

The following info is for Outlook Express, WM settings are the same.

See the link for all the Comcast account settings:

Check out the pictures and the writing :)) Against what you have now.

Gary VanderMolen

Don't assume your problem is the same as someone else's.
Right-click on your error message, copy, then paste it into a reply here.
We can't do much troubleshooting without the complete error message.

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