I haven't tested in a while.. but I do remember the "vectorwhachamacallit"
(whatever dll / vxd it loads as resident) used to crash more than
frequently.. and on 2 boxes that I Nmap'd (on request).. both boxes were
DoSsed off the 'net, one requiring a full reboot (one running win98, the
other win2k). This was being pushed out from a 256kbit upstream, so
nothing heavy. I was actually somewhat surprised (I have run ZA on win95
in the past). My only thought was that it was working overtime blocking
the ports (stealth mode) that it choked the CPU / resources. This may have
all changed with later versions, but I have read comments from people
using it that the v4(?) is somewhat unstable (again, maybe the minor
releases have fixed some issues). I know one person very well too that
uses it.. but it's forever preventing ports from working properly and
often has to have apps removed and then permitted access again (Apache
being the main one).
I still believe though, that rules-based firewalls are _much_ better than
the method that ZA uses.. a lot more configurable.
The closest I guess I come to a DoS is on the weekends when the p2p
freaks are hammering everything in the SBC DSL ranges. It was worse back
when I was using ETrust EZ Firewall since it didn't block ping
responses, and as soon I showed live, there were massive requests. The
recent swen pings exceeded all those however. Never have I had a CPU
overload though, seems unlikely too, my aDSL is only 1.5M/160 with the
DL rate surpassing 2.5M occasionally, and the CPU is a 566MHz. There was
a sploit on GRC awhile back that relied on some minor SE to invoke a
second instance of a browser that had already been granted outbound
access, but I can't seem to find it now. I know I come off as arrogant
at times, and it's not so much derived from excessive personal smarts as
it's designed to provoke responses that would reveal vulnerabilities
that I'm unaware of. I was an old fan of ATGuard, and like the new Kerio
for its similarities, just had issues with its tendency to require a
reboot if I tried to disable/re-enable it. ZA can be toggled on/off/on
and its vsmon behaves quite nicely.
I've heard of complaints with the v4 ZAP, but since I don't need any of
its "features", like remote reporting etc. I stick with the freebie