Wolf K.
I've used Zone Alarm for many years. But 99.99% of its warnings have
been false alarms. AFAIK, it hasn't blocked the spyware applets that
Spybot finds just about every time I run it, so what's ZA's actual
value? The little icon that tells me there's net traffic doesn't seem to
be worth the money. I've turned off its A/V and e-mail scan, as that
conflicts with AVG.
So, really, I wonder whether it's worth keeping. I'm using a router, its
hardware firewall should be enough to block external attacks, right?
Opinions and advice gratefully received.
been false alarms. AFAIK, it hasn't blocked the spyware applets that
Spybot finds just about every time I run it, so what's ZA's actual
value? The little icon that tells me there's net traffic doesn't seem to
be worth the money. I've turned off its A/V and e-mail scan, as that
conflicts with AVG.
So, really, I wonder whether it's worth keeping. I'm using a router, its
hardware firewall should be enough to block external attacks, right?
Opinions and advice gratefully received.