Zone Alarm and Messenger Service

  • Thread starter Thread starter Phyllis
  • Start date Start date


I have just downloaded Zone Alarms (free) and I keep getting this alert from
ZA that Messenger is trying to act as a server. Do I allow this or not? I
have only had this laptop and XP a few days and don't really understand all
the things it has yet. Thanks
I have 4 green checks for windows messenger. You need them if you are going
to be sending files , using voice or video etc.


Richard Urban

aka Crusty (-: Old B@stard :-)
That is windows messenger (the instant message program), not the messenger
service. These are two different things. If you use windows messenger
instant messaging program then have ZA let it thru, if you don't use windows
messenger, then say no.
I really don't think this is the same thing as Windows Messenger, but what
do I know, like I said I know very little about this computer and XP. This
said it had something to do with Instant Messaging which I don't do any of.
It did say something about alert sending or something and said that some
programs might not work correctly without it. Another dumb question, where
do you look to see the green checks?
First of all make use of the Help function in Zone Alarm, also run the
Tutorial, which is acccessible top right hand corner.

It pays to spend half an hour and make yourself familiar with Zone Alarm.

Answer to your specific question:
Maximise Zone Alarm, click on Program Control on the left hand side, click
Programs tab and you will see those Access and sserver permissions. To make
changes you will have to laft click on your mouse, and make a choice.

Good luck

Phyllis said:
I have just downloaded Zone Alarms (free) and I keep getting this alert from
ZA that Messenger is trying to act as a server. Do I allow this or not?

If it is Windows Messenger (and it probably is) then you need to allow
that to act as a server *if* you want to use it to send files. There is
also an unrelated 'Messenger Service' but I have not seen that ask this
of ZA, and I would not let that act as a server on the Internet
I have just downloaded Zone Alarms (free) and I keep getting this alert from
ZA that Messenger is trying to act as a server. Do I allow this or not? I
have only had this laptop and XP a few days and don't really understand all
the things it has yet. Thanks

Chances are you don't need Windows Messenger service running,
since not one person in a thousand does. Go into Services and turn
the thing off, then disable it. While your at it, go to this site:

and disable three quarters of your running services. Your computer
will thank you. The Black Viper list of services is alphabetical
-- look for "Messenger" and kill it.
Seems you are a bit confused. There is no windows messenger service. There
is windows messenger(instant message program) and there is the messenger
service. Neither of these have anything to do with each other.
The op is talking about windows messenger, not the messenger service. The
messenger service does not ask for server rights unless your trying to send
messenger service alerts to others on your network. Windows
messenger(instant message program) was asking the op to act as a server.
Disabling the messenger service will not stop windows messenger from working
or from asking for server rights.
Seems you are a bit confused. There is no windows messenger service. There
is windows messenger(instant message program) and there is the messenger
service. Neither of these have anything to do with each other.

Don't you have a nit to pick somewhere. Or maybe a hair to split?
Since Messenger Service runs in Windows, it is Windows (get it?)
Messenger Service.
You, and the people you are advising (by posting here) will NEVER find it in
services if they look for what "YOU" prefer to call it. It is called
Messenger - period!

Messenger: Transmits net send and Alerter service messages between clients
and servers. This service is not related to Windows Messenger. If this
service is stopped, Alerter messages will not be transmitted. If this
service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to

If you can't bother to be accurate...... don't post!



Richard Urban

aka Crusty (-: Old B@stard :-)
Al said:
Chances are you don't need Windows Messenger service running,
since not one person in a thousand does. Go into Services and turn
the thing off, then disable it. While your at it, go to this sit

Messenger acting as a server almost certainly relates to the Windows
Instant Messenger, not to Messenger service, in spite of the subject he
chose. You need Windows Messenger able to act as a server *if* you
want to send files using it
Al Smith said:
Don't you have a nit to pick somewhere. Or maybe a hair to split?
Since Messenger Service runs in Windows, it is Windows (get it?)
Messenger Service.

Not nit-picking at all. Just laying down the facts so people can learn the
correct terms and what each service/program does. Many people get these
confused and think windows messenger is the cause of messenger service
pop-up spam ads. They think the two are the same thing, but they are not.
Using the wrong names just confuses people even more. My sliding glass door
on my house is part of my house(like the messenger service is part of
windows). You don't call it a house sliding glass door, you simply call it
the correct name, sliding glass doors. Just like you call the messenger
service messenger and the instant message program windows messenger. In a
newsgroup where everything is typed and read, correct nomenclature is
Quite right -- it's important to be exact, especially when short written
messages are all we have. Microsoft sometimes seems to be compounding the
confusion with its terminology: Windows Explorer & Internet Explorer;
Messenger Service & Windows Messenger; PnP & UPnP. If I had a few more
moments now I bet I could think of a few more.

Thanks for the good explanation, but do I need to allow Messenger to act as
a server? I also have a Logitech window that keeps popping up from ZA since
I loaded a new mouse on my laptop. It also says it is asking to act as a
server. What gives with all this stuff wanting to act as a server? I guess
I don't understand the "acting as a server" part. Thanks
Acting like a server means it send information somewhere or tries to make an
outbound connection from your machine to another machine. If you use windows
messenger then let it act like a server, if you don't use it, then don't let
it thru.
Your logitech mouse is asking for server rights so it can check for updates
automatically. It's up to you whether you want to let it thru or not. Either
way is fine.