zip file downloading changed



Ok I know there is proabably a simple fix but for the life of me I can't find
it. I normally can download zip files with no problems HOWEVER the past three
days now instead of the zip downloading to the specific folder it actually
opens the folder and then wants to know where to extract them to! This is
annoying and I am sure it is just something I accidently changed without
realizing it but I sure can't find out to make it go back. This is hard on my
site as I have no right click so can't choose save target as and other sites
like mine. HELP! Thanks so much!

Ramesh, MS-MVP

To get the download dialog box, enable the "confirm open after download"
option for that filetype:

Open Windows Explorer, Tools, Folder Options, File Type tab
Scroll down to locate the file type. Highlight the filetype click the
"Advanced" button.
Then check the option "confirm open after download".

Ramesh, Microsoft MVP
Windows XP Shell/User

Windows XP Troubleshooting

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