Jon wrote on Wed, 23 Nov 2005 09:46:24 -0500:
JP> What you might want, if the zero is between the min and
JP> max, is to keep the axis (a distinct line) at zero, but
JP> change the label position to "Low" so they're out of the
JP> way.
??>> Some clipping of less relevant information <<<<<<<<<<<<<
??>> A rather similar problem has intrigued me for some time: is it
??>> possible to change a gridline for a particular value to a
??>> different thickness or color? I can find a use for this
??>> when the zero value for the y-axis is inside the chart
??>> rather than along an edge.
Thanks again Jon for a very prompt reply and some fascinating information.
I will have to read your two web pages very carefully. It is a pity that
the Excel programmers have never thought of implementing my idea.
James Silverton.