Zen MP3 problem


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
I downloaded two MP3 albums earlier (from Amazon) then added them onto my Creative Zen, as I have done many times before.

I use 4 GB Sandisk memory cards - the current one still has 50% free space.

Anyway, when I tried listening to the albums, one played back without any problems, but the other is causing me some frustration.

What happens, is that I navigate to the album title, but when I select it, instead of being taken to the list of songs contained on that album, I am instead zapped back to the "Browse" screen. Aaarrrgh!

When I connect the Zen to my PC, the album is showing as having synced successfully, and I can see the playlist. I even attempted to re-sync, but got a message telling me that the album was already loaded.

I've tried switching the Zen off, then switched on again - still doesn't solve anything. Just for info, it is otherwise working perfectly and I don't normally have any problems of this nature. So I'm a tad stuck and wondered if anyone could offer some guidance please?

Thanks very much for looking. :)
Delete it from the Zen then reload, that may work.

If it doesn't it's possibly corrupted, request downloading it again from Amazon if they allow that.
Thank you kindly Mr. Bootstomp, I'll give that a go and will report back. :thumb:
Well that was odd.

I deleted and reloaded (several times, actually... always like to be thorough, lol) but, no joy at all. Every time I tried to access the album, same result, I was zapped back to "browse" again.

So finally, I decided to add the album to the player itself (instead of the card)... and, for whatever reason, it works perfectly. This is good, but a tad annoying, because I like to store audio books on the main player, and music on the removable cards... oh well, beggars cannot be choosy, lol.

Thank you again for your help Sir Flopps. :D
It may be worth buying another SD card and trying the new album on the new card. If all is well suspect your SD card may be going flakey.

4Gb SD cards are well priced atm.
Oh I think I'll look into that... I know it's pretty daft of me, but I tend to forget that it's possible for those little cards to fail. When a cassette tape snapped, it was a pretty good indication that it was getting a bit old and tatty, but there aren't any "obvious" clues with a card. :)
If possible always get a Sandisk, had great success with them, never failed on me so far
When downloading MP3 albums from Amazon I always store it on my cloud drive as it does not use space on the allocated drive I have for storage (which is free anyway) and it is always safe as a back-up of all the music you buy from Amazon.
May I ask which album it was? ;)

You certainly may Quad... it is a bit of pure nostalgia, in the form of Gary Puckett Studio 102 Essentials (okay, don't all laugh at once please!! Lol) :o It contains 10 covers of songs by other artists.

The other one is "The Best Of"... with familiar oldies recorded back in the day - 'Lady Willpower' 'Young Girl' etc. I occasionally like to be transported back to the time when I was trotting around in mini-skirts, all long-hair and eyelashes! Oh dear.... a bit too much info there I fear!! Lol

Oh - regarding the cards, yes, I always buy Sandisk, for cameras and audio purposes. :nod:
When downloading MP3 albums from Amazon I always store it on my cloud drive as it does not use space on the allocated drive I have for storage (which is free anyway) and it is always safe as a back-up of all the music you buy from Amazon.

Oh, just saw this after my reply above. Interesting you should mention Amazon's cloud Quad, because I was hoping to be able to do the same thing. Apparently though, it is not available to us here in the UK (specifically for music storage, that is,) although it's okay for photos, I believe.

From what I read, it has something to do with our UK music laws...(?) But I think it would be a great idea. Hopefully, Amazon will get around to including us at some point. :)
You certainly may Quad... it is a bit of pure nostalgia, in the form of Gary Puckett Studio 102 Essentials (okay, don't all laugh at once please!! Lol) :o It contains 10 covers of songs by other artists.

The other one is "The Best Of"... with familiar oldies recorded back in the day - 'Lady Willpower' 'Young Girl' etc. I occasionally like to be transported back to the time when I was trotting around in mini-skirts, all long-hair and eyelashes! Oh dear.... a bit too much info there I fear!! Lol

Oh - regarding the cards, yes, I always buy Sandisk, for cameras and audio purposes. :nod:

Oh dear! I was to blame for all that sensitive info that you had to bring out in the open. :lol:

Glad you get Sandisk always!:cheers:
Oh, just saw this after my reply above. Interesting you should mention Amazon's cloud Quad, because I was hoping to be able to do the same thing. Apparently though, it is not available to us here in the UK (specifically for music storage, that is,) although it's okay for photos, I believe.

From what I read, it has something to do with our UK music laws...(?) But I think it would be a great idea. Hopefully, Amazon will get around to including us at some point. :)

I was not aware of that, I guess there are a few sites which offer goodies only across the pond from you folks. :o
[Amazon's cloud] Apparently though, it is not available to us here in the UK (specifically for music storage, that is,)

It is. As an expert on Amazon Cloud ( I downloaded it 2 days ago :D) I have been able to upload some music onto it.

Give it a try. :)
Oops! No, it wouldn't let me. Here's the message I received.



  • Amazon cloud.webp
    Amazon cloud.webp
    7.1 KB · Views: 261
Are you using Amazon Cloud Player?

I am using Amazon Cloud Drive. When I play the music it appears on Windows Media Player.

Is your Player different to my Drive? :confused:
Doh! ... I can see what you mean Niv, yes, I think I confused "Drive" with "Player" somewhere along the line, so will try again later. (I really shouldn't tackle these things just as I'm about to turn-in, lol.)
From the very first post:

I use 4 GB Sandisk memory cards - the current one still has 50% free space.

I also use only Sandisk memory cards.

I always store anything I've downloaded either on local hard disk or on external backup drive. mp3's, even at 320 rate, don't take up that much space. On my media machine aprox 2000 albums = 198Gb.

Gary Puckett & The Union Gap - Young Girl reminds me of travelling on a coach to Brighton when I was at school aged about 16 or 17 as part of a chorus to perform Gilbert & Sullivan's 'Patience' on stage at Brighton University. All things considered we went down rather well.

On the coach on the way home I found myself sitting next to Gillian Monk who I attempted to chat up, alas, with little success.

I saw her a few years later and was quite relieved she had spurned my amorous advances at the time :lol: