z-index Not Working

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tester
  • Start date Start date


Does anyone else have problems with z-index in explorer? I use a div box for
various popup things like calendars and so forth but whenever I make one
visible on top of (supposedly) a dropdown(select element) the dropdown is in
front. I've tried setting the z-index of the select element to progressivly
larger negative numbers while setting the z-index of the div to
progressively larger positive numbers with no effect.

Has anyone else seen this or know of a solution?

Any help is appreciated!!!

Form elements are not affected by z-index. There is no solution except to
rework your layout so that the dropdown menu never goes overe top of these
Ohhh crrraap!

Thanks for the info! :(


Rebbekka said:
Form elements are not affected by z-index. There is no solution except to
rework your layout so that the dropdown menu never goes overe top of these
Rebbekka said:
Form elements are not affected by z-index.

Wrong. Only <select> elements don't obey the z-index. I know that MS is
trying to market this bug as a feature
(http://support.microsoft.com/kb/q177378/) but since it's not all form
elements but only selects, it becomes obvious that it's a bug. Why can't
they publish a patch for this?? I also would like to work with divs
covering forms but can't because of the ie bug.

IFrames are no option either since my js framework relies on all
function calls being made from the same document.
