yyy6 leading to huge problems, need help



I'm guessing through some virus, a number of things started popping up on my
screen, including an internet explorer window with an IP adress, and a bit at
the end, ending in yyy6.html Whilst trying to delete this, I was instructed
to delete all the registry files that said something like mytotalsearchbar.
So I did, then my pc crashed. When I restarted it, the start menu was
completely gone, and everything else was running very slowly, I could get the
menu back, by going to control panel, and changing some options on it and it
eventually reappeared, but not many programs would work, include System
Restore ( which showed a blank window when started) and word processor. I'm
at university and needed to print an essay off, and needed it desperately, so
I installed Windows XP again ( new install, didn't overwrite old one, I can
still access that) and set up my printer and works so I could get my essay,
now this install seems quite slow, and obviously all my shortcuts and
settings etc are still on the old one, has anyone any advice on how I could
possibly save my old installation of windows? or somehow move the user data
over to this one, so it acts like the old one without crashing, with all the
drivers etc? and then, how can I delete the other installation of windows
without losing the information on my hard drive? any help would be much
appreciated, and I will check back regularly to provide any more information
anyone needs.


oddfreak said:
I'm guessing through some virus, a number of things started popping up
on my screen, including an internet explorer window with an IP adress,
and a bit at the end, ending in yyy6.html Whilst trying to delete
this, I was instructed to delete all the registry files that said
something like mytotalsearchbar. So I did, then my pc crashed. When I
restarted it, the start menu was completely gone, and everything else
was running very slowly, I could get the menu back, by going to
control panel, and changing some options on it and it eventually
reappeared, but not many programs would work, include System Restore (
which showed a blank window when started) and word processor. I'm at
university and needed to print an essay off, and needed it
desperately, so I installed Windows XP again ( new install, didn't
overwrite old one, I can still access that) and set up my printer and
works so I could get my essay, now this install seems quite slow, and
obviously all my shortcuts and settings etc are still on the old one,
has anyone any advice on how I could possibly save my old installation
of windows? or somehow move the user data over to this one, so it acts
like the old one without crashing, with all the drivers etc? and then,
how can I delete the other installation of windows without losing the
information on my hard drive? any help would be much appreciated, and
I will check back regularly to provide any more information anyone

Now you've got two messes to contend with. It sounds to me like you had
a virus on your first machine (and plenty of other non-viral malware,
too) and you didn't clean it up with an antivirus program and malware
removal tools. I don't see any mention of installing a full-featured,
current version (not earlier than 2003) av on the second XP install
either. If I were you, I'd:

1. Rescue data off hard drive from both installations - burn to cd-r.
2. Either take the time to properly clean the installation you want to
keep (a lengthy, tedious job) or
3. Wipe the hard drive and install one copy of XP, along with all
security updates, full-featured av, and a third-party firewall if

If you feel you can't do this yourself, take the machine to a good local
professional and have them sort it out.

Good luck,


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