Ysytem Hangs During XP Pro installation

Mar 6, 2007
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I go through the process of reformatting, I get to the "creating list of files to be copied" and it just stops. I've tried swapping out my memory, hard drive, power supply and flashing my CMOS. I'm running on a Dell E510. Anyone have any idea what is causing this?
My system was acting buggy. Locking up sporadically. I thought my HDD might have been to blame, and I had already purchased a new one, so I tried to format the new drive in order to install a fresh XP copy.
Well I seem to be able to get past the format screen now, but it locks up while copying files to the Windows installation folder. I have no idea why my computer hates me :(
Did you check to see on the bios if your bios recognized your new hard drive? if not try changing the ide channel (plug your hard drive to secondary ide channel).