Jan 14, 2006
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Seems google are looking to buy YouTube in a $1.6 Billion deal.

But who will be the winners out of this the consumer or google?
News agencies have given credence to The Wall Street Journal's claims that the two companies are discussing $1.6bn deal, while other internet giants, including Yahoo and News Corp (owner of MySpace) have also been picked out as possible suitors. One proposed deal has already been turned down, according to reports, while others claim official news could be announced this week.

Google has been pinpointed as the most obvious candidate to acquire YouTube as it's keen to expand its online video-sharing services. The company has already launched Google Video, but the service has been unable to compete with YouTube in terms of user numbers.
Are they just buying it because they have so much surpluss cash and don't want to shell out to shareholders? I don't see how it can be worth $1.6 Billion - although myspace is worth something like 20 billion now :eek:

Although thinking about it, a billion is different in the US and UK so maybe thats why ;)
Well for a start its only worth half of what our currency is worth and Ian's right a Billion is different in the US as opposed to everywhere else..
A billion credit cards stacked up would be as high as: 120 Mt. Everests or 7,219 Great Pyramids.
Always good to know;) from the link Ian gave some great stats!
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The 'yanks' could never count anyway, not enough toes & fingers ... a bit like their English, it don't exist, just made-up. ;)

I like the sparsness of ... :thumb:
