Here is what I have so far (on paper, not in practice):
STUDENTS (table)
StudID (PK autonumber)
StudFName, StudLName, StudAdd ....& other details, also, I included other
fields that I would like to format in certain ways, they are:
Grade (I want to automatically increase the grade each June, and remove the
HS Graduates to another d/b)
StudYthGrp (students might belong to zero, or more than one)
StudChrch (might belong to none or one)
StudCC (might belong to none or one Community Center)
StudReg (Geographic region, there are 11, or it might be not listed or it
might be out of this area completely)
ActStud (don't know how to set this up; would be the activities the student
PGID(PK autonumber)
PGStudID (FK = StudID # from STUDENTS tbl.)
PG1 (One parent/guardian's details)
PG2 (Second par/guar details)
ACTID (PK autonumber)
ACTDesc (Text field: targeted age/grade group, gender, etc.)
StudAct (don't know how to set this up; would be students who attended the
OrgID (PK autonumber)
SvcREG (same regional names as in the STUDENTS table)
ORGName, OrgAdd, etc.
ConID (PK autonumber)
ConOrgID (FK = OrgID from Organizations table)
ConName, ConAdd, etc. (details)
What I don't know how to do is set this up so that we can see what
activity/ies each student attended, and conversely, see attendance lists for
each activity.
Students can attend zero, 1, or many activities. Students can belong to
zero, 1 or many organizations. Students can have zero, 1 or 2
parents/guardians. Also, students as well as parents/guardians can have
several phone/cell/fax numbers.
Par/Guar can have 1 or more students, so I am not sure how to set up the FK
field here. Some phone numbers may have extensions. Some Par/Guar may have
a different address than their student(s).
An Activity will have many Student attendees. An Organization can be one of
several types (a church, youth group, community center, school; in addition,
some churches or community centers might have a school). An Organization
could have one or many contacts.
Does this design look like it will work efficiently?
I was also told I should have a "front end" and a "back end", and a
switchboard. I know the basic idea, but how do I set those up?
In Peace, Max
STUDENTS (table)
StudID (PK autonumber)
StudFName, StudLName, StudAdd ....& other details, also, I included other
fields that I would like to format in certain ways, they are:
Grade (I want to automatically increase the grade each June, and remove the
HS Graduates to another d/b)
StudYthGrp (students might belong to zero, or more than one)
StudChrch (might belong to none or one)
StudCC (might belong to none or one Community Center)
StudReg (Geographic region, there are 11, or it might be not listed or it
might be out of this area completely)
ActStud (don't know how to set this up; would be the activities the student
PGID(PK autonumber)
PGStudID (FK = StudID # from STUDENTS tbl.)
PG1 (One parent/guardian's details)
PG2 (Second par/guar details)
ACTID (PK autonumber)
ACTDesc (Text field: targeted age/grade group, gender, etc.)
StudAct (don't know how to set this up; would be students who attended the
OrgID (PK autonumber)
SvcREG (same regional names as in the STUDENTS table)
ORGName, OrgAdd, etc.
ConID (PK autonumber)
ConOrgID (FK = OrgID from Organizations table)
ConName, ConAdd, etc. (details)
What I don't know how to do is set this up so that we can see what
activity/ies each student attended, and conversely, see attendance lists for
each activity.
Students can attend zero, 1, or many activities. Students can belong to
zero, 1 or many organizations. Students can have zero, 1 or 2
parents/guardians. Also, students as well as parents/guardians can have
several phone/cell/fax numbers.
Par/Guar can have 1 or more students, so I am not sure how to set up the FK
field here. Some phone numbers may have extensions. Some Par/Guar may have
a different address than their student(s).
An Activity will have many Student attendees. An Organization can be one of
several types (a church, youth group, community center, school; in addition,
some churches or community centers might have a school). An Organization
could have one or many contacts.
Does this design look like it will work efficiently?
I was also told I should have a "front end" and a "back end", and a
switchboard. I know the basic idea, but how do I set those up?
In Peace, Max