Your wireless router range?


Feb 23, 2002
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I've got my phone linked to the wireless network in our flat - and the connection remains intact if I go down 2 floors... but no further... However, another wifi signal from the flat opposite is strong enough for me to get a signal when I'm in the car park outside! I'm guessing he has an "n" router in a good position :).

How far can your signal go - are you able to sit outside in the sun and type on your laptop? :D
Yep I got an N wireless router and since I upgraded about 6 months ago from 54G to 300N my wireless signal gets me out into the garden 2 floors down from my place without any trouble, watch tv catchup on my iPod Touch outside with not a murmur...Have never looked back since I bought my N Router..
I want a NON-wirless router ... :nod:

one that will work with BT :D

I can connect my iPhone and my work Nokia N95 to my D-Link router. I can move all about the flat without loosing signal. The most it drops is on bar. Once I step out my flat I loose signal as the walls are pretty thick. I am on the top (3rd) floor and my lounge and bedroom look over onto our parking area. if you look out my front room window to where my work van is parked its about 30 meters. At the weekend when I clean out the van and clean tools etc I often sit in the van and do invoices on my laptop and I am able to pick up a perfect signal for my laptop and my N95. The signal on my iPhone is very week though. I know I shouldn't do it but there are one or two folks that have open networs and I can connect to them if I want :D
EvanDavis said:
I know I shouldn't do it but there are one or two folks that have open networs and I can connect to them if I want :D
Tut, tut thats very, very naughty of go sit on the naughty step!:p

I still cant get over those who do not run or secure their wireless networks!
Me daughter's laptop works on the patio, that's about all I know.

She has an iPhone I'll have to ask her how far away she can pick it up.

I did find the wireless connection on my router a bit hit-and-miss so ran a cable under the carpets so now the three computers on my network are all hard-wired.

There's around six surrounding networks showing here, all of which are protected.
My DG834GT is not too bad can sit in the garden quite happily and still be connected. But i like it for the DGTeam firmware more, nice and tweakable.

Must admit though a Wireless N router would be a nice addition. Maybe a DGN2000, as DGTeam do firmware for that too! :D

Oh and my network is about as secure as it can be, Strong WPA2 Key, Mac address filtering, No DCHP with static IP's all round etc etc. ;)
feckit said:
Tut, tut thats very, very naughty of go sit on the naughty step!:p

I still cant get over those who do not run or secure their wireless networks!

Can I have one of them hats whats got a big N on the front of it ?

Nope I can't understand either why pople leave their networks open. Few years back I learnt my lesson leaving mine open. Always seemed to be hitting my monthly download allowance, which I think back then was 20 gig. Until I over heard a neighbour saying how he was getting free internet fromsomebody elses open connection. Open connection been mine DOH!!!
Can pick up signal all over the house and in the garden.

I frequently pick up two other networks, presumably from my neighbours. One is protected and the other isn't.
We have gone wireless all the way, yes our modem is also wireless. This is a new connection which we got last month and so far so good.

The wireless modem is on the 2nd floor in my sons bedroom and i can easily pick up the signals when I am out in the front downstairs , either outside the front door or in the garage. This is a new service introduced in Houston just last month.

It's called Clear.
Quadophile said:
We have gone wireless all the way, yes our modem is also wireless. This is a new connection which we got last month and so far so good.

The wireless modem is on the 2nd floor in my sons bedroom and i can easily pick up the signals when I am out in the front downstairs , either outside the front door or in the garage. This is a new service introduced in Houston just last month.

It's called Clear.

That's pretty cool, considering your average house in Texas is probably 3 times the size of the average house in the UK.
Just had a look at the site you linked. US$ 30 isn't to bad for what you get.
What sort of speeds do you get Quad ???
EvanDavis said:
That's pretty cool, considering your average house in Texas is probably 3 times the size of the average house in the UK.
Just had a look at the site you linked. US$ 30 isn't to bad for what you get.
What sort of speeds do you get Quad ???

We were debating what sort of plan we should get and decided to get the cheapest one to try it out, we were not sure if we would get a good connection and it does not drop every now and then. We have had just one outage from midnight to 4 am three days after connection. We called the provider and they said they were doing some maintenance to improve the service to certain areas. It's working OK now and we may switch to higher speeds. I am not keen on high speeds as I hardly download anything on a regular basis, the only thing I download once in a while are the updated Linux distros.

I forgot to add that we are using our own Cisco-Linksys WRT54GX4 Wireless-G Broadband Router with SRX400 which is connected to the modem, so in real sense the modem itself is not responsible for the coverage in and around the house but it is the router that does that. but the idea of a modem only needing power from the receptacle is new. In real sense the service is high speed mobile internet.

Here is the result of the speed I am getting
