Your thoughts re:

May 8, 2009
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I have made a website called It is for snaggs, some family and just generally my stuff.

I made it from scratch through local junior college classes. This was about 5 years ago. Couldn't afford DreamWeaver or what ever expensive program was out there.

So, between two semesters of classes and the rest being self taught, my website is what I've come up with.

It's a "toy" and will be adding more pages.

I'm happy about the pages except for the purple boxes at the top of each page. I cannot get them centered.

I use HTML Validator to write it, WSFTP to send it.

Any thoughts? As I say, it's my toy, so I just play with it when I can.

Thank you.
Good work there :) Websites are great fun to maintain, and you'll quickly become very proficient!

My only thoughts would be to perhaps remove your e-mail address from the main page, and add it back as an image. Having e-mail addresses open on the web lets them get harvested by "spambots", meaning you could get lots of spam e-mails.
Very clear and personal , especially like the volcano pics..
like Ian said though beware of spybots via your email
I'd probably try the site if I hadn't started my own.
So, remove my email from front page -- ok

Has anyone got an answer on how to center the second set of headings in purple?

Also, I know that my site looks different in different browsers. I use IE. I'm not the professional to check out other browsers. Too lazy, I guess.

Thank you for the imput. Sorry to be so long, but message didn't show up in my email. Need to fix that.
Sheyenne said:
Has anyone got an answer on how to center the second set of headings in purple?

By second set of headings, do you mean "Return to top of page"..? If so, it would help to see your stylesheet..
Sheyenne said:
No. On this site,

the purple worded boxes under the word: Occasions

By the by, where can I post that I'm not getting replies in my email. I have checked my control panel and everything looks ok.

Again it would help to see your css/stylesheet.

As fro the second part of your post, i'm not to sure on that answer. Ian will probably notice it and let you know what to do. I never used to get the rply e-mails either until I staetwd using Outlook. What are you using to check your e-mails.?

I have picked these "snaggs" off of different forums and websites. If I have violated any copyright law, or if anyone's name needs to be added, please let me know. I want to be sure credit is given where credit is due.
I doubt anbody is really going to have a problem with you using these images, as they are freely available for a host of social sites. I think where people might be a bit funny, is if you claimed them as your own work, which you haven't...
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Will get you that style sheet today.

Again it would help to see your css/stylesheet.

What are you using to check your e-mails.?
I use Wndows Mail. Checked my provider to for blocked/spam they didn't send to me. No posts from this forum there.

I have picked these "snaggs" off of different forums and websites. If I have violated any copyright law, or if anyone's name needs to be added, please let me know. I want to be sure credit is given where credit is due.

I doubt anbody is really going to have a problem with you using these images, as they are freely available for a host of social sites. I think where people might be a bit funny, is if you claimed them as your own work, which you haven't...

Well, I just don't want to give any one (especially in this day and age) anything to squak about!
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Thank you for taking the time. How did you do that???? I went to View, Source, and couldn't find it.
I just did view>source and then searched for .css :)