Your 1st Computer build

Jan 14, 2006
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So how did your 1st PC build go?
Mine was a nightmare, I pressed to firmly on the motherboard when fitting the graphics card & snapped the m/board!:o
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damn u must be strong!!

I remember first fitting in some ram in a windows 95 machine
my mate was telling me over the phone how to do it.

put it in and then I rearlised that my sound was really fuzzy....
so a visit to the local pc shop was needed, where I got a soundblaster sound card and then I fitted that

must admit I made some mistakes too
Had no problems at all... I just read everthing of how to do so and so> twice then do the job..... Mind you we all make mistakes???:bow:
The first upgrade I did was on an Olivetti 8086, when I added an ISA EGA graphics card to use a colour monitor. It was only a monochrome CGA before that :lol: I actually really miss that machine!

The first build from scratch was a P200 MMX with 32MB Ram. It all went ok, and I seemed to be building quite a few from that point on!
My first build was upgrading an 8086 to a 386.

CPU was soldered into the motherboard, the IDE connections were on a slot in card, it used a Soundblaster 16 and had 4Mb of RAM if I remember correctly.

And the build went perfectly but then I'm a clever bugger :D

Well, alright, sometimes....... ;)
Replaced my friends hard drive and dropped one of the side screws down into his case.
That was...nearly a year ago and the screw is still there. :D.

Also added some more RAM, which went a bit strange because I had to keep switching it around with the other memory slots because the pc couldnt 'find' the memory :rolleyes:

ah the fun I've had... :D
First build mistakes ??

Every new build is a first build, you ain't got time to listen to all my cock-ups ... but the best is taking 3days to set the jumpers on a MB (there were 40 combinations) bring back the good-old-days. ;)

I should write a book.
michael 118 said:
Replaced my friends hard drive and dropped one of the side screws down into his case.
That was...nearly a year ago and the screw is still there. :D.

ah the fun I've had... :D

I did that once. Just fixing a floppy drive into machine while it was finishing off installing O/S. OMG did I poo when I had to tell him I had fried his Mobo

He said not to worry he needed to upgrade anyway and I had just given him a damn good excuse that he could tell his wife lmao

Now thats a good friend for you ;)
In the early 90's a friend and I did the old 386 sx to dx upgrade. For some reason we needed a new board. Went really smooth until we powered it up.

We had connected some of the wires (LED, Speaker etc) the wrong way round. The plastic on the wires melted like butter, filling the room with black smoke, and the mother board was fried.

Wort part is we did the exact same thing again a month or so later when we helped another friend to do the same...

So much for learning from mistakes :)
Good ol SoundBlaster Pro was my first experience with her top off!

I remember my first build though - upgrading a 386 DX to a 486 DX2 66.
Bought the mobo, CPU and 8MB of RAM for a total bargain price of 420 quid! (GBP)
I had a huge 200MBHD, which I later upgraded to more than I would ever need 730MB!!! (It died after about 2 years!)

As Mucks says... fun and games with jumpers!
Funny how we made do with limited resources then - "Just upgrade" is such a common answer now!
my first build was a Athlon 3000, Had few problems with it but fixed em in the end.
you guys have been building computers for quite some time. :D