Your 1st Car?

Jan 14, 2006
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Following on from PotGoy learning to drive thread wondered what peoples 1st car was?

Mine was a mark2 escort, a great car that i had for 3 years till the engine blew up at bottom-dead-centre and took everything with it, but i did get a flame come out the exhaust as it died!!!:lol:
Austin A30.

Real rust bucket, I could see the ground through part of the floor but I only paid £50 for it so I couldn't expect much more. Got me and the girlfriend to Scotland and the Lakes and was a decent runaround until it needed an MOT six months later.

I couldn't afford the cost of the repairs to get it through its test so I sold it to some unsuspecting character for £45. :D
The first vehicle I drove was a work vehicle, it was a new 1990 Renault Extra Van, which I drove for nearly 10 years before I quit the company....not very exiting.

After I finished working for the company, I bought my first car............

Which was an Audi A4 saloon 2.6 Petrol, full leather interior, a beautiful car, went like the pre-verbal off a shovel, and I really miss it*.

*Had to sell it to change to an estate car, which is also a fast Audi :thumb:, but still miss the first one!.
My first car was a 1946 Rover 60 with the pre war body and the new side and overhead engine and free-wheel device. It was a beautiful car Leather seats wooden floor with on top plush carpets. I had to sell it because I couldn't afford the tyres at that time. It cast me £5 and I sold it to a car collector for £20 a 150% profit after a years use. I wish I still had it now it would be worth a bomb and it was in good nick no rust and at the time only 35,000 miles on the clock and that was in 1966
First car was a Talbot Horizon

Lovely luxury interior but that was about all it had going for it, rustbucket that had tappets that tinged a song out as you went along, lasted all of about 7 months before it died, only cost me £75 quid though with a years ticket and 6 months tax already on it, so it paid for itself in what would have cost me a fortune in bus fares..
1951 Ford Prefect E493A. Cost me a fiver. Then another fiver for a new battery. Lasted about 15 months then differential went belly-up, so scrapped it. Have regretted scrapping ever since, loved that quirky old motor which even at the time ('68 or '69) seemed positively ancient.

An 4 year old Opel Kadett estate secondhand bought from me girlfriends dad in 1974. It had over 100,000 miles on the clock.
Lasted me 10 months.
Drove to London and on the way down it seemed to loose some power. On the way back it drank fuel like a camel.An we had to bump it of at the five petrol stations we stopped at.
Took it to me mates garage and was amazed to find only two cylinders were firing.Was more amazed when we took it apart and only found two full pistons.
Those were the days. Getting stoned out of your tree and driving to the big city at 01.00 am on empty roads just so you could wake friends up at the crack of dawn to make breakfast for you.
Ah yes indeed those were the days.
My first car was a Volkswagen Beetle 1974. I kept it for a year and a half, during which time to total repair cost exceeded the price I had paid for the car originally. :fool:But it was a fun vehicle and I enjoyed driving around in it. :nod:

The only complain from the passengers in the back seat was that it was too hot, I told them sorry the windows at the back do not open and that is the reason it feels hot back there. After six months I found out that there was a heater vent at the back and it was in open position, no wonder the passengers in the back were feeling hot all the time. :p
My first car was an old Ford Classic, which was a surprise 21st birthday present. But, as surprises go, this car was full of them.... not in a good way.

My father - who hated Ford cars with a vengeance, denouncing them at any and every opportunity.... evidently felt that whilst he personally, wouldn't touch one with a barge-pole, it would be okay to get one for his daughter.

He had purchased the vehicle without discussing it with either my mum or myself, and knowing that it already had several mechanical faults. But, he also thought himself to be very talented as an amateur mechanic... although this was not his actual job.

So, before I could drive it further than for a quick circuit of the block.... he had removed most of the engine, which sat in bits on a bench in his shed for a few weeks!

He didn't believe in using anything so "unnecessary" as torque-spanners or manuals of any kind and, he always "knew best" about things... So, my soon-to-be hubby and I could only look-on in trepidation, as he announced that he would need to "take up some of the slack" in the big-end... for all to be well!

It wasn't!

The engine was put back together, with no bits left-over, so far as I know... but ever afterwards, the darned car had a strong aversion to being started. I would be the last to leave the car-park at work, as I attempted to coax the engine into life. Male colleagues would kindly try to help, but always ended-up shaking their heads sadly, lol. Or worse, it would stall whenever the brakes were applied, so that one would be stuck at traffic lights, unless one kept up a gentle "blipping" of the accelerator (making me sound like some kind of impatient girl racer!) Nightmare!

After a few months of this, a mechanic friend of my new hubby took a sneaky look for us, shook his head and announced that the car's problems were terminal. So, making excuses (to father) about being newlyweds and therefore not able to afford to run two cars, we did indeed get rid.
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