Database created in 1994. I renamed original table [primary] as [primary old
7-18-06] because garbage got into one bad record which could not be deleted.
I appnded good records into new table called [primary].
[Primary]![id_primary] in form "Mother" is linked to
[Rolodex]![rolodex_primary] in subform "Child". Get above error which
states, ..."a related record is required in table primary old 7-18-06".
My recollection of fifteen years ago, I attached [Rolodex]![rolodex_primary]
to [primary]![id_primary] by dragging one field to another. I also attached
a dozen or so other tables to [primary]![id_primary]. I forgot how I did it,
but it was similar not the same as attaching multiple fields from different
tables in query design. My recollection is the design looked like a spider
with the body being primary and each leg had another table at the body. It's
similar to Vann diagrams, a term sometimes used to describe relationships.
I am not a programmer. I now use Access 2000.
7-18-06] because garbage got into one bad record which could not be deleted.
I appnded good records into new table called [primary].
[Primary]![id_primary] in form "Mother" is linked to
[Rolodex]![rolodex_primary] in subform "Child". Get above error which
states, ..."a related record is required in table primary old 7-18-06".
My recollection of fifteen years ago, I attached [Rolodex]![rolodex_primary]
to [primary]![id_primary] by dragging one field to another. I also attached
a dozen or so other tables to [primary]![id_primary]. I forgot how I did it,
but it was similar not the same as attaching multiple fields from different
tables in query design. My recollection is the design looked like a spider
with the body being primary and each leg had another table at the body. It's
similar to Vann diagrams, a term sometimes used to describe relationships.
I am not a programmer. I now use Access 2000.