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Ok i've had enough now.

I PAID real money for my copy of Vista RC1.

It wont install and the best support that the biggest IT company in the
world can offer is a lame posting on a newsgroup.

Hardly says a lot when the best advice you can get is from some spotty 15yr
old geek who says " have you tried........".

YES LAMO GEEK BOY I HAVE wheres the bloody support facility
to help me with the software I have bought.


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suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
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Eric_Draven06 said:
Ok i've had enough now.

I PAID real money for my copy of Vista RC1.

It wont install and the best support that the biggest IT company in the
world can offer is a lame posting on a newsgroup.

Hardly says a lot when the best advice you can get is from some spotty
old geek who says " have you tried........".

YES LAMO GEEK BOY I HAVE wheres the bloody support
to help me with the software I have bought.


Don't expect much help here after THAT tirade!
You actually paid to be able to preview Vista.
Support is never included in beta versions and
if you had read the Vista Website thoroughly
you'd know that.

Tom Lake

Microsoft does not support beta operating systems. You paid the cost of the
DVD and shipping to Microsoft so that you would be able to preview beta
Vista code.

Sorry you had a bad experience ... but nobody gets paid to help you here, as
we are all just tech enthusiasts trying to help each other out. If you want
"real" support you will have to wait until Microsoft begins supporting the
final retail version of Vista.
ha dumba*s no body pays for RC1 it's beta and was freely available and as
such not supported.
To be honest, that simply means you didn't read the warnings on the page
that you paid for RC1 on. It very clearly states that there is no support
for beta software, that it shouldn't be used on production machines, and
that it is a work in progress. I believe it also states that they are not
making a profit on this at all. In addition, you didn't buy the software.
You didn't buy a licese to use the software. You paid shipping and
production costs.

By the way, no one in here likes being called a "spotty [lamo] 15yr old geek
who says have you tried........"
Of course, it is quite apparent that you are the expert in getting help.

Robert Firth
Seeings as Vista wont even install, i dont have any choice but to use XP.

This rant is not aimed at ANY of the users on here, if you READ it properly
(the lot of you) you would understand that.
Im NOT retarded, I DID read the blurb before getting the RC1.

I UNDERSTAND what it is that I was getting into, just feel let down.

This is after all the HELP AND SUPPORT newsgroup....

And despite posting my "help me please, it wont install......" got no replies.
All im asking for is maybe a little knowledge base or similar to refer to,
rather than just being hung out to dry.

Lighten up ppl.
I suggest you start a new post and state "specifics".

State your machine hardware inventory, including CPU, RAM, motherboard
etc. - all of it.

State <*SPECIFICALLY*> what you mean by cant install. We weren't looking
over your shoulder when you tried, and failed. What, if any, were the error
messages. What were the circumstances.

Going to a car dealership and saying my car don't work isn't going to get
you much assistance, if you refuse to give further details. But at least the
dealership will have your car to test. We don't have your computer.



Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User
(For email, remove the obvious from my address)

Quote from George Ankner:
If you knew as much as you think you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!
Well I'm not a spotty 15 yr. old geek and I find it oddly amusing that
putting "Eric_Draven06 ... EricDraven06" through search brings up no hits
except this one hit from this one time you posted. As KJP would say, "my
newsgroup inbox goes back 3months, FYI".
Eric_Draven06 has a Toshiba Qosmio F20 with 6600GT graphics, but I think we
scared him off. :)
Mr. Eric--

FWIW I am taking a few seconds to give it to you straight up. Your best
quality support is on the MSFT newsgroups. The IT company you talk about
does exist in Redmond and when I last checked has Mr. Allchin looking toward
crossing that bridge to new vistas after a few keg parties.

MSFT PSS or phone support gets the grade of F that most softies tried to
avoid in school. I've written extensively about that. The softies know it.
It's Convergys of Ohio outsource predominantly to five cities in India.
Those employees are English challenged, and equally importantly they have
very limited beginner's knowledge of Windows and office, hdw, and software.
They have next to no knowledge of how to deal with problems that prevent you
from booting 2K, XP, or Vista which when I last checked are the current
predominantly used Operating sytems in use. I wouldn't expect this to
change with the next one aka Blackcomb, Vienna, Figi or whatever the name

Take advantage of these groups in many categories because the links, the
tips, and the learning mechanism can be superlative if you learn to use it.


There is an abundance of years of experience on this group and others. I
learn from them day in and day out. There are a large number of us who can
help you in a Brooklyn Bridge heart beat and have provided this help for
years, but you have to give us the relevant info to do so.

You've given a very general complaint that you're having a problem getting
Vista RC1 or some build on to your box, and setup and running properly.
We're glad to help. Our free support is exponentially better than the crap
that the company who makes Windows MSFT offers as PSS subenterprise. We
need to know what happens on the box when you try to install. No one's
dissing your ability--we're not about that. I am saying you are leaving us
short of the info in your posts we can use to effectively get you up and
running. All of us get satisfaction in hearing your Windows or your box is
fixed, rather than keeping you broken--we want you to spend time using the
pc, rather than frustrated that you can't.

I try to use these as a guideline when I post for help. You don't have to
be rigid or formal about it--but you do have to give relevant info. You say
you're smart--we accept it but why didn't you post any scintilla of info
relevant to the presenting problem?

How To Ask Questions The Smart Way and

Eric_Draven06 said:
Ok i've had enough now.

I PAID real money for my copy of Vista RC1.

It wont install and the best support that the biggest IT company in the
world can offer is a lame posting on a newsgroup.

Hardly says a lot when the best advice you can get is from some spotty 15yr
old geek who says " have you tried........".

YES LAMO GEEK BOY I HAVE wheres the bloody support facility
to help me with the software I have bought.


This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
click "I Agree" in the message pane.
Looks like you got Taken for a Ride, because both Beta 2 and RC1 were
available as a Free Download on
during the Beta Period. Both Beta 2 and RC1 are Time Bombed and Will
Expire on June 1st, 2007, Just FYI. There will be a Free Trial of RTM
(Final Product) beginning on December 1st, 2006, most likely on that
same website, according to Andre Da Costa (, I suggest you
download and install it as soon as it's Released, and make sure you
don't pay a Third Party for the Free Trial, get it directly from
Microsoft this time.
Ok here goes,.

Had a good nights sleep so would like to start by apolgising for the
original post.

P NUTTS was right, I do have a Toshiba Qosmio F20.

I have tried to do a clean install on the machine and that is where my
problems are.
BSOD with a stop error. This occurs about 45 mins into the setup whilst it
is completing the installation. Its almost like it just freezes for like 10
mins then hits up with this.


code 0x00000009F.

Having read many posts on various sites, it seems that the only way to fix
is to uninstall one by one the drivers until you figure out what is causing
the problem.

Foolishly enough, I assumed that a clean install was exactly that, obvioulsy

Any help IS greatly appreciated.

It was bad enough having to wait 28 days to get it sent through, its worse
that I cant even get to experience it.
I don't have a Toshiba laptop so I'm working on an educated guess.
Toshiba lists a bios for Vista beta that is different than the bios for XP.
The latest bios listing is 1.30-TRAD dated 27/4/2006. Installation failure
late in the installation is usually a driver or a bios issue since this is a
clean installation.
Finally manager to get to update the BIOS.
As it happened, I was running the latest version (1.40), but did a clean
install anyhow

Same problems though I'm afraid..

The odd thing that I noticed was that bios 1.40 was released for
Vista then bios 1.30 was released for Vista. That could indicate that there
was a conflict with the 1.40 bios.

Eric_Draven06 said:
Finally manager to get to update the BIOS.
As it happened, I was running the latest version (1.40), but did a clean
install anyhow

Same problems though I'm afraid..

I have a similar problem... DELL factory defaults... and I keep getting the
My computer, Windows Vista Ultimate, Dell XPS 420 keeps restarting and
restarting and restarting...
MS Win Vista Ultimate, 4GB RAM, 2 - 250GB HD (mirrored), dual DELL 1908WFP
digital flat screen monitors, and that's it...
When it starts back up, it keeps popping up a screen that tells me that has
caused a problem...
it asks me to go to the Windows Update website but there are NO updates on
it for this computer...
It has all of its updates... except for the language updates…
It keeps getting a BSOD Driver_Power_State_Failure... 0x00000009F...
whatever that is...
Could you please tell me what you think would cause that??? The computer
will only stay on
about 30 to 45 mins and then it crashes… This time it crashed when I was in
display settings...
Troubleshooting... apparently there are more than 117 unsigned drivers in the
DELL default version of the NVIDIA GeForce 8800GT v7.15.11.6736, dated
10-19-07... but in the newer driver v7.15.11.6925, dated 12-11-07 there are
only 4...
nvcpl.chm Unknown None Not Signed
nvcpl.cpl Unknown 1.5.600.0 Not Signed
nvcplui.exe Unknown 1.5.600.0 Not Signed
nvexpbar.dll Unknown 1.5.600.0 Not Signed

I'm testing now... to see if the computer will stay on longer than 45
mins... without crashing... I'll try to remember to let you know how it turns
If you know anything more about this problem please let me know...
I've also just finished updated all my Norton Junk... once again... I wish
that Norton would check everyone now and again to see if it's files are
outdated... instead of forcing the user to do a manual check every now and