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can anybody pls. tell me what i have to do to stop YM w/ voice from

the onsite crash analysis keeps on telling me to update macromedia
flash...but my pc is already up to date w/ such latest version....i don't
know what to do anymore....

i updated the add-ons already in IE....

pls reply thru my e-mail (e-mail address removed)

thanks in advance....
mae said:
can anybody pls. tell me what i have to do to stop YM w/ voice from crashing?

When you say "YM"; I assume you mean Yahoo Messenger?
Please consult the Yahoo Messenger help pages for assistance.

pls reply thru my e-mail <REAL EMAIL ADDRESS REMOVED>
"Munge" your real email address when posting to news groups.



MS - MVP Windows (IE/OE) & Windows Security, AH-VSOP

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Reply to group, as return address is invalid that we may all benefit.
mae said:
can anybody pls. tell me what i have to do to stop YM w/ voice from

the onsite crash analysis keeps on telling me to update macromedia
flash...but my pc is already up to date w/ such latest version....i don't
know what to do anymore....

i updated the add-ons already in IE....

pls reply thru my e-mail (e-mail address removed)

thanks in advance....

I can most certainly help you with Yahoo IM. I do need to know which
version you are running thou, and I have reviewed Yahoo's IM already on
my blog. There are backup program's out there to , to help you in a

But, back to the question, If the Messenger is crashing, It could be a
corrupt file, Addon for IM isnt working correctly, Or Memory related.
Please be more specific. I am online about 18 hours a day, and can be
easily reached thru my blog or website. My online status is posted
there, catch me, I will help you like so many other's with their IM. I
went thru all that myself. Now I am back to version 7 with a backup
program, Since Version 8 , refuses to re-install (even after being
totally wiped out). Remember that ("BETA") word ???

(A) if it comes online and stay's there until you are paged tell me or
(B) it doesnt load peroid. Try to be specific OK?


They both have my online status. I will have you up in no time GRIN!
(PS - Flash And IM are totally different programs. Is your registry
full of error's?)