The countryside has always been my first love, from living next to a farm for 5 years, to going to agricultural college and to working as a forester/estate worker. The joy of seeing young lambs runing round a field, morning chorus of many birds to evening and seeing badgers coming out to play. Sadly working in these countryside based industries never pays well, i left never to return, a sad day for me
Sorry for if i've hijacked your thread a bit Rush for my ramblings
cool! Love the red tailed bee Mind, got stung by a bumble a few weeks ago when we were mowing the back padock. went right over the top of a nest we didn't know was there. real 'independance day' stuff for the bees but they did drive off the invader... sent me running for the anti histamine tablets (I'm allergic to beestings)
Gave me quite a surprise at first as normally Bumbles wont sting you unless attacked so to find one flying straight into my face all aggression was quite a shock.
Then John found the nest so we always mow around it now.
Pretty brave though I thought. One Bumble out to protect the hive against the invading monster (It was relatively flat there so I was using a flymow lawn mower... scary stuff even if it didn't have me attached to the other end )