We have one stinking spreadsheet that is still in Lotus 1-2-3. It is
used to calculate the yield on our bonds, cmos, etc.
The reason we still use it is that 1-2-3's yield function lets you have
a frequency of 12 or monthly for the coupon payments. Most of our bonds
have monthly coupon payments.
Unfortunately, MS Excel only offers three frequencies. > Frequency is the number of coupon payments per year. For annual
to dump 1-2-3.
used to calculate the yield on our bonds, cmos, etc.
The reason we still use it is that 1-2-3's yield function lets you have
a frequency of 12 or monthly for the coupon payments. Most of our bonds
have monthly coupon payments.
Unfortunately, MS Excel only offers three frequencies. > Frequency is the number of coupon payments per year. For annual
offering an addin with an improved yield calculation? I would so likepayments, frequency = 1; for semiannual, frequency = 2; for
quarterly, frequency = 4.Any ideas? Has anyone ever seen either a workaround or some company
to dump 1-2-3.