So I successfully used tags to pull the slides I want, but is it possible to
take the tags I've created,
ActivePresentation.Slides(77).Tags.Add Name:="IncludeIn", Value:="ABCD"
ActivePresentation.Slides(78).Tags.Add Name:="IncludeIn", Value:="ABC"
ActivePresentation.Slides(79).Tags.Add Name:="IncludeIn", Value:="D"
and then LIST the slide numbers that have a specific tag in a text box on
the last slide, something like:
Please look at slides (insert slide numbers here: in the example above for
"B", it would be "77, 78")
I can get them to pop up in a message box, sort of, but can that info then
be put on to the last slide in a presentation?
take the tags I've created,
ActivePresentation.Slides(77).Tags.Add Name:="IncludeIn", Value:="ABCD"
ActivePresentation.Slides(78).Tags.Add Name:="IncludeIn", Value:="ABC"
ActivePresentation.Slides(79).Tags.Add Name:="IncludeIn", Value:="D"
and then LIST the slide numbers that have a specific tag in a text box on
the last slide, something like:
Please look at slides (insert slide numbers here: in the example above for
"B", it would be "77, 78")
I can get them to pop up in a message box, sort of, but can that info then
be put on to the last slide in a presentation?