The Scenario: Single NT4 Domain, 1 PDC, 1 BDC, a few NT4 Servers and a couple dozen nt4 W/S clients. Major policy usage. All machines will be upgraded to WIN2K
The Questions:
When I UPGRADE the PDC (BDC offline and stuck in a closet) what happens to existing policies
Will I need to use gpolmig.exe and if so where does it get the original policy settings if I've upgraded the PDC
Will I need to recreate the policies and apply them to a specific OU, or will they migrate?
I want the policies to remain in effect during the domain upgrade. Is this possible
Am I too worried about my policies?
The Questions:
When I UPGRADE the PDC (BDC offline and stuck in a closet) what happens to existing policies
Will I need to use gpolmig.exe and if so where does it get the original policy settings if I've upgraded the PDC
Will I need to recreate the policies and apply them to a specific OU, or will they migrate?
I want the policies to remain in effect during the domain upgrade. Is this possible
Am I too worried about my policies?