Yet another Combobox question

  • Thread starter Thread starter Alp Bekisoglu
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Alp Bekisoglu


My question is more on the "looks" of a combobox.
Each time the form is opened/loaded the combobox displays a blank entry. How
can I get it to display the top item in its list (source) rather than be
blank blank on form load/open?
The row source is an actual query (SELECT Main.Person_ID, Main.Name,
Main.TaxFileNo, Main.DoB, Main.Sex, Main.epf_no, Main.socso_no FROM Main;)
bound on column 1.


You need to be in "Design View" for this: -

1. Display the properties of the "Combo Box".
2. Click the "Data" Tab.
3. Enter a value in the "Default Value" item, like "ABC"
or 99.


Tony C.
use the following assuming you have just populated the combo with ADO:

cmbxxxxxxxx.value = myRS.fields("whichever field")
Thanks Tony and MStrider,

Unfortunately, neither does work. First I am DAO oriented rather than ADO.
Second is I do not want to display just "anything" in the fomr on opening, I
want to see the top-most name of the source query.

I will elaborate on the DAO equivalent of you suggestion.
