Yesterday' Date

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I've written an expression in that allows me to rename a
file with the current date stamp.

for /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /t') do (set Today=%%a-%%b-%%c)
rename c:\winzip.log winzip%TODAY%.log

The output generated would be: winzip10-09-2003.log

My problem is that, since the data that is renamed is actually
yesterday's data, the date is always one day ahead of the date that
the data actually represents.

I want it to read: winzip10-08-2003.log

My question is: Is there a way to automatically rename a file with
yesterday's date?

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you.
On 9 Oct 2003 05:02:33 -0700, (e-mail address removed) (Tim) wrote in

My problem is that, since the data that is renamed is actually
yesterday's data, the date is always one day ahead of the date that
the data actually represents. [snip]
My question is: Is there a way to automatically rename a file with
yesterday's date?

As I wrote earlier
<[email protected]>
in alt.msdos.batch.nt:

Simple. Using a different CLI (4NT), this is what I do:
SET yesterday=%@MAKEDATE[%@EVAL[%@DATE[%_isodate]-1],4]

Screenscrape :
$ ECHO Today is: %_isodate; yesterday was: %yesterday
Today is: 2003-06-28; yesterday was: 2003-06-27

The variable _isodate and the functions @DATE[], @EVAL[], and
@MAKEDATE[] are documented at,
..../f_date.htm, .../f_eval.htm, and .../f_makedate.htm, respectively.

Other options are specialised utilities to perform date arithmetic, or
rather elaborate batchfiles if you want to restrict yourself to CMD's
Ritchie said:

It doesn't matter how many times you harp on about 4NT, you've still got to
buy and install it on every machine you want to use it and then learn another

I agree with you Ritchie. 4DOS/4NT are awesome products, but I move around
to so many machines I can't really rely on it for very many things. It
would be really cool if Microsoft were to work out a license agreement to
either include the product with the OS or actually include the functionality
My question is: Is there a way to automatically rename a file with
yesterday's date?

With VBscript, it's simple:

Create yesterday.vbs, containing these five lines:

Y = Now - 1
WScript.Echo Pad2(Month(Y)) & "-" & Pad2(Day(Y)) & "-" & Year(Y)
Private Function Pad2(Inp)
Pad2 = Right("00" & Inp, 2)
End Function

Then, in your batch file, get the output like this:

for /F %%a in ('cscript //nologo yesterday.vbs') do set Yesterday=%%a