rodchar said:
hey all,
is there a way if you are given a Year and a Week an easy way to go back say
26 weeks ago from given year/week.
for example,
given: 2008/16
26 weeks prior is:
With ISO week numbering I actually get 2007/42.
Below are some code. You will need to add week
numbering scheme if you are not using ISO - just
add value to enum WeekType and case to switch in
using System;
using System.Globalization;
namespace E
public enum WeekType { ISO };
public static class WeekUtil
private static int IsoWeek(int year, int mon, int day)
int a = (14 - mon) / 12;
int y = year + 4800 - a;
int m = mon + 12*a - 3;
int JD = day + (153 * m + 2)/5 + 365*y + y/4 - y/100 +
y/400 - 32045;
int d4 = (((JD + 31741 - JD % 7) % 146097) % 36524) % 1461;
int L = d4 / 1460;
int d1 = ((d4 - L) % 365) + L;
return d1 / 7 + 1;
public static YearWeek FromDate(WeekType typ, DateTime dt)
int y;
int w;
y = dt.Year;
switch (typ) {
case WeekType.ISO:
w = IsoWeek(dt.Year, dt.Month, dt.Day);
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Unknown week
if(w == 1 && dt.Month == 12) y++;
if(w >= 52 && dt.Month == 1) y--;
return new YearWeek(typ, y, w);
public static DateTime ToDate(WeekType typ, YearWeek yw)
DateTime dt = new DateTime(yw.Year, 1, 7);
dt = dt.AddDays((yw.Week - FromDate(typ, dt).Week) * 7);
return dt;
public struct YearWeek
private WeekType typ;
private int y;
private int w;
public int Year { get { return y; } }
public int Week { get { return w;} }
public YearWeek(WeekType typ, int y, int w)
this.typ = typ;
this.y = y;
this.w = w;
public YearWeek AddWeeks(int n)
return WeekUtil.FromDate(typ, WeekUtil.ToDate(typ,
this).AddDays(n * 7));
public override string ToString()
return Year.ToString("0000") + "w" + Week.ToString("00");
public static bool operator==(YearWeek a, YearWeek b)
return a.Year == b.Year && a.Week == b.Week;
public static bool operator!=(YearWeek a, YearWeek b)
return !(a == b);
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return this == (YearWeek)obj;
public override int GetHashCode()
return y.GetHashCode() ^ w.GetHashCode();
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
YearWeek yw = new YearWeek(WeekType.ISO, 2008, 16);
for (int i = 0; i <= 26; i++)
Console.WriteLine(yw + "->" + yw.AddWeeks(-i));