Ye Gods out there! have mercy!

Nov 3, 2007
Reaction score

This one has got me beat but Its bound to be something ridiculously simple.

PC Specs;

Motherboar Asus A7N8X-E Deluxe. Matrox 650. 1 Monitor Samsung Syncmaster 750.
OS, Win XP sp2. CPU amd athlon 2400+. Ram 512. Two hardrives. Seagate 20 gig C drive. Baracuda 40 gig. Pinnacle DV500 (PCI slot) The driver for this has been removed.


I do a bit of Video from time to time and work using Premierre 6. Its been a bit sticky in the past but never really had a problem.
However I do now. When ever I click on the Premierre 6 icon on the desk top the screen blacks out and then comes back up a moment later in either safe mode or AVG mode. I don't have this problem with any other graphic applications.

ANyway to continue, I've downloaded fresh drivers for both Mobo, monitor and Matrox card, played around with the resolution, refresh and hardware aceeleration and still no luck.

However, last night I pressed the magic F8 button (advanced for me) placed the system in Safe mode, changed the AVG setting and launched Premierr 6. My god success! It ran perfectly. I then changed the resolution to a higher rate and still premiere held out. worked perfectly. (apart from audio but that's another issue).
However when I then closed the apllication, premierre 6 and then lauched it again it reverted back to its old tricks. The screen blacked out and it was back to poor visual graphics again.

Any ideas?????

There definetly seems to be a conflict between Premierre 6 and the G card here. Another editing software I have works fine.

The other thing is I have noticed in device manager that I have several drivers missing. Two multimedia controller drivers and a RAID driver. I have been trying to locate a source to download these but no luck so far. Not sure if it will solve the problem but its worth a try.

What do you think? Shall I throw the whole thing out the window??

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


The Wolfbarron
Hiya mate give me a we while i'll take a look see if i can find you some driver links :)
Welcome to the forum
I know you said you have installed the new drivers however try uninstalling them again then reboot. When your o/s finds the hard ware try reinstalling them all over again. Instead of allowing automated installation try extracting the driver you have downloaded into a folder on to your desktop and then do a manual search for each individual one.

Fo you dont have to go routing again heres the link ;
Thanks for your reply. Can't try this untill possibly Monday now but I'll let you know how I get on.


The past is in our memory the future in our dreams. The only real reality is the here and now.
The multimedia drivers missing in device manager will be the ones you removed for the Pinnacle card. Would be best to reinstall them.

As for the RAID driver you will have to visit the Asus site (link in TX's post above) download and install it. Even if you're not using RAID if you have a RAID controller on board it's best to install the driver for it.

Have you checked for all latest updates for Premiere 6?

You say you've installed latest drivers for Matrox card, so that's ok. Which motherboard drivers did you install? LAN? Audio? Chipset?

There's a slight chance that because the Pinnacle card is not properly installed it may be clashing with Premiere 6.

I'm assuming the Pinnacle card is either a TV card or a capture card and that it's used for capture. Correct?

What other software do you have installed? One of the Pinnacle Studio variants? It's possible it's clashing with Premiere.

First thing to do is get rid of those yellow question marks in Device Manager anyway, then see how you get on.
Damn, actually now you say that flops if I remember correctly Pinnacle and Premiere will not work if thy are installed together!

I'm sure I had the same problem a few months ago. Something to do with shared drivers. I maybe mistaken I not 100%

But yeah the RAID drivers do ned to be installed anyway they control the SATA chipset for SATA ATA controll aswell as SATA RAID
I'm impressed. You guys seem on th ball with this stuff. I haven't had a chance to try installing the drivers etc yet. Just back at my PC.
Anyway interesting ideas. I might try upgrading Premierre 6 to the latest version any way as I understand it can be quite unstable and installation with Pinnacle hardware has never been a bed of roses. But I have had this configuration premierre/Pinnacle etc working, not a 100% mind you but it has worked in the past and it would keep me going for a while.

Incidentally the Pinnacle I'm using is the 'Pinnacle DV500' with capture card. Its an old piece of kit now I guess but It would be nice to keep it on board all the same. Forgive the pun. Its capture card/ firewire, no tv, but offers through clever software the possibility of watching what is called 'real time rendering'. If you put a transition or swipe from one piece of footage to another, slowly fade in and out etc, instead of having to wait al day for the thing to render as you can do with more sophistcated swipes you can see it in a dedicated pinnacle window on the monitor in real time just to see if your work is any good.
Anyway as you say I need to sort these questions marks out in Device manager. Any idea were I could get the multimedia drivers from?? I'd like to try the system with out this Pinnacle hardware and software as I think its making the Premierre application a bit sticky. Would be interesting to see how it works with out it.

Other software; Adobe Photoshop, illustrator, aftereffects. these all work fine.

I loaded Pinnacle studio 7 editing suit to test the system at it to works fine.
Definetly a Premierre 6 problem I think. But you would know more of that than me.

The Drivers for the Motherboard are Chipset by the way.

Will reload drivers etc tomorrow and see how it gets on.


Well, No luck. I've downloaded the drivers again and again and again, tried reloading them for both the motherboard and the Chipset and still no luck.
I even downlaoded 'drivemax' a utility to detect missing drives and apparently some 36 were either missing or needed updating guessed it the three that that didn't were the two multimedia controllers and Raid in device manager.

What should I do? Think about devorce??

Incidentaly my hard drive is IDE not sata. SHould I still download the latest driver for Sata or will this creat problems with the hard drive?

