Need help... or just talk anyome my issue!!!
Reccently I've mistakenly installed the yahoo tool bar, i soon removed it as
i'm don't like those kind of bars; so i don't have anymore the program
istalled but my IE when i try a wrong web site (like "www.microzoft"), it
used to go to microsoft auto search.
But, now i think there is a DLL or any Fine that corrupt the oppening of
microsoft web page and directs to yahoo search page. Microsft Anti Spyware
and Ad aware didn't detect anything.
like now opens the page:
Something is directing to yahoo site as you can see... I wish someone could
help me how to find this annoying file.
And as i am here i will also comment that i am disapointed with yahoo web
support that ignored my asks, i think i can use any search site i wish to
(Don't you agree with me?) and this file should be deleted at the same time
I've uninstalled the Yahoo Tool bar.
Thanks for the help if you could!
Need help... or just talk anyome my issue!!!
Reccently I've mistakenly installed the yahoo tool bar, i soon removed it as
i'm don't like those kind of bars; so i don't have anymore the program
istalled but my IE when i try a wrong web site (like "www.microzoft"), it
used to go to microsoft auto search.
But, now i think there is a DLL or any Fine that corrupt the oppening of
microsoft web page and directs to yahoo search page. Microsft Anti Spyware
and Ad aware didn't detect anything.
like now opens the page:
Something is directing to yahoo site as you can see... I wish someone could
help me how to find this annoying file.
And as i am here i will also comment that i am disapointed with yahoo web
support that ignored my asks, i think i can use any search site i wish to
(Don't you agree with me?) and this file should be deleted at the same time
I've uninstalled the Yahoo Tool bar.
Thanks for the help if you could!