Yahoo Member Search Displaying NoResults

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I dont get any results when using Yahoo Member search on my pc. However, if
i use another PC in the same room it works. Is there a setting in IE im
missing? Any Suggestions?
Can someone please help on this question, I'm facing the same problem. maybe
a little bit different. When I try to search yahoo or google I get the number
of results displayed but with no lists displayed. I've Windows XP with SP2
and IE 6.0.2900.2180.xpsp_sp@_gdr.050301-1519.
Can you please someone help :'(
Are either of you on NTL? I have had the same problem and i just needed
to specify a cache and it works fine now.
Are either of you on NTL? I have had the same problem and i just needed
to specify a proxy server and it works fine now.
Please see this post (link shown below) RE: Yahoo Member Directory
and PLEASE ... copy and paste that message and e-mail it to:

(e-mail address removed)
( profiles-help AT DOT com )


Yahoo Member Directory Search has long been a helpful & valuable tool.
But there are rumors floating that Yahoo has deliberately disabled
Member Search, with the intent of discontinuing it altogether. Quite
frankly, I do not know if the rumors are true. It's safe to assume
that the vast majority does not want to lose Yahoo Member Directory
Search, so it is imperative that each of us contacts Yahoo to voice our
concern and opposition. There is strength in numbers, so please, ask
your friends, too, to contact Yahoo at this e-mail address:

(e-mail address removed)
( profiles-help AT DOT com )

Thanks to everyone who takes the time to get involved by contacting
Yahoo. If we join together, perhaps Yahoo will reevaluate their
position. If Member Directory is broken, maybe they'll fix it. Or
if the rumors are true that Member Directory is being discontinued,
maybe they'll reconsider...

Best regards to all, and thank you.
This does not sound correct to me, as i said i was just having a
problem with the local proxy server i was assigned. I would suggest
that any chat program would need a way for people to find other
chatters, so to me this sounds like someone wanting ppls EMail
addresses specialy when you look at the EMail address
Thank you, Joffy, for your reply. I assure you that I was sincere
about everything I said in my previous post. And it's very easy to
verify. Here is a link to a conversation on Yahoo's very own website,
wherein the problem is initially denied by a Yahoo employee (Carole),
but later in the thread, she acknowledges that this is a known problem
to Yahoo. Read it for yourself in Yahoo's "tool bar & anti spy"
bulletin board:

I realize that your particular problem was from a different cause. But
I posted MY problem here, within YOUR thread, because we have something
in common: Yahoo Member Directory Search is/was screwed up. In YOUR
case, you seem to have it working, again? If so, GOOD. I'm glad your
problem is solved. However, there are many Yahoo users whose Member
Directory Search will not function at all. It's completely dead.
Yahoo says they are aware of it. Many of us believe that the folks at
Yahoo could instantly solve this problem ... if they WANTED to.

I understand your (apparent) skepticism of me ... because I am equally
skeptical of Yahoo. I cannot sway Yahoo, alone. I need others who are
affected with this outage to send Yahoo a message and request that the
problem be solved. So I will continue posting in a wide variety of news
groups in an effort seek help from others.

My Yahoo Member Directory Search has been completely dead for a couple
of weeks. Many others are telling me the same thing. I just want it
to work.

Thank you,