Yahoo, Google missing browser icon

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When using a search engine the results usually have a small icon tag next to
each item that allows users to open in a new window without cycling away from
the current window.

Boy, I hope I said that right. The problem I'm having is that the icon is
now missing from all my search engines. For the life of me I can't figure it
out, even after a system restore.

Any ideas?
Hi Leafnose,

When did you start having this problem. Was it after you installed the Yahoo
toolbar? It has a SearchHook hijack that changes the way IE searches. This
may be the problem. Un-install the Yahoo toolbar if you don't need it.

Thanks Rob

EXACTLY..........I updated something like that and it
downloaded Yahoo toolbar. I did uninstall it.....right away, but perhaps the
damage was done then and I didn't notice until this week.

I may be in deep water at this point, because I've added a number of items
that I can afford to "manage" and a restore point back that far will clobber
the heck out of me.

The bad news is that it didn't just effect Yahoo, but nailed Google and all
the other search engines.

any more ideas for me?