Yeah, I'm having the same issue under Vista32 !
Funny enough, these are two different installs. I got the BSOD under
Vista64, thought it was something I did, so I opted to format re-install. I
actually wound up formatting re-installing twice, before it dawned on me
that it was the Cat 7.3 drivers causing the crash. Really odd that I could
do a couple of boots before I'd get the BSOD. In this case, the 7.3 drivers
were the first drivers ever loaded
Under Vista32, I tried doing the upgrade option from 7.2 to 7.3 and it BSOD
on the first boot. So for me, it's 100% reproducible
Funny enough, I tried the installs a couple different ways, one with No UAC,
one with the true Admin account and under Vista32 with the usual user\admin
account with the UAC on. No matter which way I sliced it, BSOD.
Since I get a BSOD no matter what, under 2 different OSes, one being a brand
new install, I wonder how ATI didn't catch this sooner. Unless it has to do
with certain video cards with certain bioses or something.
Not that I'm going to complain too much, ATI has been pretty solid so far in
Vista, It does make me wonder, what the whole point of moving the Video
driver to user mode was ? So far, Vista seems more crash happy then XP was,
and this move was suppose to help prevent this