XSPC Photon 270 Glass Tube Reservoir


Mar 25, 2003
Reaction score
Pure Overclock have reviewed the XSPC Photon 270 Glass Tube Reservoir:

"When getting a new CPU for you system build, the first thought used to be “which heatsink and fan am I going to use?” but today, that thought process has changed and years ago, adding water cooling to your PC was a risky task. However, the traditional paradigm has been shifting in PC cooling over the last few years. Today’s modern cooling technology has taken several leaps forward in advancement. Because of this we are seeing more and more PC builders using water cooling as your every day cooling solution. Water cooling has proven to be a reliable and easy solution to help keep your hottest processors and graphics cards cooler.

Today we are going to be looking at water cooling manufacturer XSPC. XSPC has been in the cooling business for over ten years and has built a positive reputation for itself. They continue to lead the market in custom liquid cooling solutions, delivering a complete range of cooling components worldwide. On our test bench, we have XSPC’s new glass tube reservoir called the Photon 270."


Read their full review here.
it gets that cold, they filled it with antifreeze
