Mate Visky
"The disable-output-escaping attribute is ignored when the xsl:text or
xsl:value-of elements are used in an xsl:comment,
rocessing-instruction, or xsl:attribute element.
Result tree fragments that contain text, and the text output has been
escaped, is not supported.
The disable-output-escaping attribute is ignored when transforming to an
XmlReader or XmlWriter object."
What is the easiest way to enable this function. i use c#...
thx mate (i dont need xml output, i just want to write < ? >, and i dont
need the escaped character
thx mate
"The disable-output-escaping attribute is ignored when the xsl:text or
xsl:value-of elements are used in an xsl:comment,

Result tree fragments that contain text, and the text output has been
escaped, is not supported.
The disable-output-escaping attribute is ignored when transforming to an
XmlReader or XmlWriter object."
What is the easiest way to enable this function. i use c#...
thx mate (i dont need xml output, i just want to write < ? >, and i dont
need the escaped character
thx mate