That's what I expected. having all of them in 1-2 posts would have been fine
with me. I certainly agree that all the posts were relevant to the NG but
having so many in so few time gives slight trouble following other post
It gives no "trouble" following other post threads at all. One simply
sorts one's posts by "thread". Each thread should be separated from
each other.
And john, not everyone is an expert. I use OE for read NGs and I dont know
if it provides any features for killfile posters (whatever that means) ...
Then ask. That's a good way to learn things. Killfiling is simply
a term used to explain filtering of certain topics/posters. If I
killfiled you then any post by "Sanjay Goel"
[email protected]> would be marked as "read"
or simply deleted. Either way, as I only read "unread" posts I
wouldn't read anything that you had written directly. Though I
might see what you have written as a "quote".
Did you search the internet for a definition of "killfile" ? Or look
at your help file in OE ? You could also consider looking up such
terms as "bozo bin" and "filters" etc. Did you ask about killfiles in
any OE newsgroup ?
In any case you wouldn't need to killfile anyone. You could sort the
posts by "author" order and quickly/easily "mark read", or "delete",
all of Tramp's posts if you wanted to.
Being a relatively newbie here doesn't take away my right to read NGs. The
rude behaviour on ur part was unnecessary.
I apologize to tramp if he thinks that my earlier mail was rude.
If one is a "newbie" then a question such as "Is there a reason why
Tramp makes individual posts rather than one combined one ?" Might
have been an idea.
Leaving out your implied criticism. By a "newbie" of a long standing,
and respected, poster here.
If you had asked that question then someone would have explained to
you that many of us prefer individual posts so that IF someone wants
to further discuss an individual recommendation the follow up doesn't
end up quoting a 300 line post.
Added to that some of us keep posts. If ten things are mentioned and
we are only interested in one then we can keep only the one and delete
the nine. Not easy if all ten are in one post.
Lastly, for those people who don't read/download all the posts a
header that reflects the single item mentioned within makes things
much easier for them to peruse. Also, if required later, to find
Regards, John.
,-._|\ (A.C.F FAQ)
/ Oz \ John Fitzsimons - Melbourne, Australia.